Introduction to Transition
Your Role : Educate and Refer Explain services and benefits to Sailors (the 51 Elements) Ensure they fully understand eligibility and how to access services and benefits Provide the member referral sources for pre- separation services and benefits
Your Role Encourage adult family members to participate in the process, workshops and briefings Help Sailors set goals, and develop and implement plans using the ITP Complete and maintain the DD2648 And, of course, motivate, encourage, remind, and listen
YOU! Your Chain of Command Department of Navy (OPNAV 1900.2C} JAX/Norfolk YOU! Your Chain of Command Department of Navy (OPNAV 1900.2C} Department of Veterans Affairs Department of Defense (DODI 1332.35 DD Form 2648) Congress & the President: (Legislation Title 10 USC) Department of Labor Navy Pre-Sep Day 1
Title 10: Who and When (page 80) JAX/Norfolk Title 10: Who and When (page 80) Retirees As soon as possible during the 24 month period preceding the anticipated retirement date. No later than 90 days before release. Navy Pre-Sep Day 1
Who and When Separatees As soon as possible during the 12 month period preceding the anticipated date. No later than 90 days before release.
Who and When The 180 Day Rule Pre-separation is not provided to a member who is discharged or released before completion of 180 days of active duty UNLESS they are disabled.
Who and When Demobilizing Reservists who have served at least 180 continuous days or longer As early as possible, but no later than the actual date of release After this, turn off projector and go to book. Pg. 69. That will take you to lunch.
Who and When Medical Evaluation Board (MEB) These individuals must receive an expeditious pre-separation counseling session. Have them do it, but don’t scare them.
(The 51 elements = the details) JAX/Norfolk Title 10 What needs to covered during counseling (pp. 81-82) 17 factors that cover benefits, services, employment, education & training, and financial planning (The 51 elements = the details) Navy Pre-Sep Day 1
DoD Instruction 1332.35 (p. 83) Meet Career Readiness Standards JAX/Norfolk DoD Instruction 1332.35 (p. 83) Meet Career Readiness Standards Complete eBenefits Registration Develop an Individual Transition Plan Utilize an Assessment Tool Participate in a Capstone event
OPNAV Instruction 1900.2C (pp. 85 -100) JAX/Norfolk OPNAV Instruction 1900.2C (pp. 85 -100) Transition Services (2648, TGPS, Career Tracks, ITP & Capstone) (87-89) Warm handover (p. 89, also see 75 & 76) Exemptions (p. 90-91) Involuntarily separated Service members (p. 91-92)
OPNAV Instruction 1900.2C Responsibilities JAX/Norfolk OPNAV Instruction 1900.2C Responsibilities Command transition officer (pp. 97-98) Command career counselor (p. 98) Service members (p. 98-99)
TGPS Pre-separation Core Tracks Capstone
The 51 Elements Executive Summary Sheet: Page 109
TGPS Pre-separation Core Tracks Capstone
TGPS Day 1 Transition Resiliency MOC Crosswalk Financial Planning DOLEW VA briefing: Health care, disability compensation and tuition assistance
TGPS Pre-separation Core Tracks Capstone
Career Tracks Accessing Higher Education Career Technical Training Entrepreneurship What is the drop-out rate for Higher Ed? The completion rate for veterans of 51.7% is lower than the four-year graduation rate for younger, non-veteran peers, which was 59% in 2011 Why? No one’s on your back. All your structure goes away. Maybe I should get a year of education before I get out. DANTES. I didn’t plan for money. E-5 BAH based on zip code. Where are you going to live for $800? What about utilities and insurance …. Now I have to get a job. Then I meet someone… What about Career Technical Training? Help with supplemental work.
TGPS Pre-separation Core Tracks Capstone
Capstone Review DD2648 Evaluate CRS Sign-off Warm hand-over
What documents should the Sailor bring to Capstone? Individual Transition Plan (ITP) 12 - month post-separation spending plan Gold Card Completed Gap Analysis Completed job application package or job offer letter Career Interest Assessment form VA eBenefits Registration
Individual Transition Plan (ITP) Identifies important transition-related issues and activities Helps Sailors break the transition challenge into manageable tasks and track their progress It’s a living document. Go through ITP highlighting the gray box on page 35. Explain that it is their job to explain this box. This is for the TSM, not them. They need to understand the importance of it. Talk about CRC standards on pg. 36 Break down ITP into manageable chunks. They should go through each section and fill in EACH block. No NA. Turn to pg. 63 – go over Milestones including when to apply for VA benefits. Explain warm handover using pg. 67 So before we get into the law, let’s see what you all know by looking at TSM categories and the time lines associated with them.
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