The Giver- Lois Lowry Chapter 1-3
Good Morning Come in Get SSR Book Stop Talking Start Reading
Chapter 1 Comprehension ???’s List the different jobs that are mentioned in the chapter. Examine how Asher apologizes to his classmates when he is late to class. Do you think he should have to apologize this way? Why or why not? How do the rituals of using a standard apology phrase and the nightly sharing of feelings show the community’s theme of continuity and standardization. How does the description of forming family units contribute to the overall tone of the novel? What is revealed about the community by Lily’s description of the animals? What are Elevens and Sevens?
Quick Write Monday 3/21/16 Describe in detail your idea of what a perfect world would be like. What things would be eliminated? What things would be added? How would you take care of the world’s problems?
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Chapter 2 Comprehension ???’s Contrast why December is eventful in Jonas’s society with why December is eventful in our society. Which rule is frequently broken. Analyze where and how newchildren live until they are one. How could this affect their development? Explain how babies are placed with families. What do you think of this arrangement? How are rules changed in the community? How frequently does this occur?
Quick Write Tuesday 3/22/16 If you had the choice to be considered an adult at age 12, would you do it? Explain your answer. What would you gain by doing this? What would you lose?
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Chapter 3 Comprehension ???’s Infer why citizens are only allowed to use bicycles for individual transportation. What implications does this have for travel? Cite textual evidence to show what physical traits Jonas and Gabriel share. Based on the evidence from 2, what is the author trying to imply about Jonas and Gabriel? Differentiate most American families’ evening routines from families’ nightly routines in the community. Generalize how individual differences and appearances are treated in the community.
Quick Write Wednesday 3/23/16 A Chance to Complain: Take this time to complain about something that feels like a big deal to you right now. Talk about the emotions you are feeling and any injustice you think you are experiencing.