Science Learning Center Chemistry Pre-laboratory Tutorials Written By Patrick Herklotz
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Tutorial 3 Calibrating the Vernier Colorimeter Sensor and Recording Data Using this Sensor Previous Slide Replay Continue
Step 1: Assemble the LabPro Calculator as explained in Tutorial 1 Previous Slide Step 1: Assemble the LabPro Calculator as explained in Tutorial 1 Replay Continue Top View Power Supply LabPro VERNIER Quick Setup Start/Stop Transfer Vernier STAT PLOT F1 TBLSET F2 FORNAT F3 CALC F4 TABLE F5 Alpha 2ND Mode DEL STAT PRGM COS ( X,T,O,N APPS MATH 7 4 1 8 5 2 . 9 6 3 (-) x + - ÷ Enter X -1 X2 LOG LN STO> ON SIN , VARS CLEAR TAN > )
Step 1: Assemble the LabPro Calculator as explained in Tutorial 1 Previous Slide Step 1: Assemble the LabPro Calculator as explained in Tutorial 1 Replay Continue Top View Power Supply LabPro VERNIER Quick Setup Start/Stop Transfer Vernier STAT PLOT F1 TBLSET F2 FORNAT F3 CALC F4 TABLE F5 Alpha 2ND Mode DEL STAT PRGM COS ( X,T,O,N APPS MATH 7 4 1 8 5 2 . 9 6 3 (-) x + - ÷ Enter X -1 X2 LOG LN STO> ON SIN , VARS CLEAR TAN > )
Previous Slide Step 2: Obtain the colorimeter sensor and plug it into channel 1. You must run the DataMate program to turn the colorimeter on. The colorimeter will measure absorbance in a default wavelength of 470nm. A green light illuminates to signify which wavelength is selected. Allow the colorimeter to warm up for 5 minutes before beginning any experiment. Replay Continue Top View Power Supply LabPro VERNIER Quick Setup Start/Stop Transfer Vernier STAT PLOT F1 TBLSET F2 FORNAT F3 CALC F4 TABLE F5 Alpha 2ND Mode DEL STAT PRGM COS ( X,T,O,N APPS MATH 7 4 1 8 5 2 . 9 6 3 (-) x + - ÷ Enter X -1 X2 LOG LN STO> ON SIN , VARS CLEAR TAN > ) Channel 1 Channel 2 Channel 3 Channel 4 Side View
Previous Slide Step 2: Obtain the colorimeter sensor and plug it into channel 1. You must run the DataMate program to turn the colorimeter on. The colorimeter will measure absorbance in a default wavelength of 470nm. A green light illuminates to signify which wavelength is selected. Allow the colorimeter to warm up for 5 minutes before beginning any experiment. Replay Continue Top View Power Supply LabPro VERNIER Quick Setup Start/Stop Transfer Vernier CAL 430nm 470nm 565nm 635nm COLORIMETER Vernier STAT PLOT F1 TBLSET F2 FORNAT F3 CALC F4 TABLE F5 Alpha 2ND Mode DEL STAT PRGM COS ( X,T,O,N APPS MATH 7 4 1 8 5 2 . 9 6 3 (-) x + - ÷ Enter X -1 X2 LOG LN STO> ON SIN , VARS CLEAR TAN > ) VERNIER SOFTWARE DATAMATE (VER 1.15) ROM 6.27 (C)2003 Checking Sensors Mode: TIME GRAPH-180 1: SETUP 4: ANALYZE 2: START 5: TOOLS 3: GRAPH 6: QUIT CH 1: Absorbance 0.475 Mode: TIME GRAPH-180 1: SETUP 4: ANALYZE 2: START 5: TOOLS 3: GRAPH 6: QUIT click Channel 1 Channel 2 Channel 3 Channel 4 Channel 1 Port Side View
Step 3: Fill a Cuvette full of distilled water and place it into the colorimeter. Be sure that the clear side of the Cuvette is facing forward and backward in the colorimeter and the striated sides face to the side. Push the > key on the colorimeter and hold it down until the green light changes to 565nm. This signifies that this new wavelength has been selected. Previous Slide Replay Continue Power Supply COLORIMETER Vernier LabPro VERNIER Quick Setup Start/Stop Transfer Vernier STAT PLOT F1 TBLSET F2 FORNAT F3 CALC F4 TABLE F5 Alpha 2ND Mode DEL STAT PRGM COS ( X,T,O,N APPS MATH 7 4 1 8 5 2 . 9 6 3 (-) x + - ÷ Enter X -1 X2 LOG LN STO> ON SIN , VARS CLEAR TAN > ) 470nm 430nm CAL
Step 3: Fill a Cuvette full of distilled water and place it into the colorimeter. Be sure that the clear side of the Cuvette is facing forward and backward in the colorimeter and the striated sides face to the side. Push the > key on the colorimeter and hold it down until the green light changes to 565nm. This signifies that this new wavelength has been selected. Previous Slide Replay Continue Power Supply COLORIMETER Vernier LabPro VERNIER Quick Setup Start/Stop Transfer Vernier STAT PLOT F1 TBLSET F2 FORNAT F3 CALC F4 TABLE F5 Alpha 2ND Mode DEL STAT PRGM COS ( X,T,O,N APPS MATH 7 4 1 8 5 2 . 9 6 3 (-) x + - ÷ Enter X -1 X2 LOG LN STO> ON SIN , VARS CLEAR TAN > ) 470nm 565nm 430nm 635nm CAL
Previous Slide Step 4: To calibrate the colorimeter, press the 1 key (SETUP). In the next menu, press the 3 key (ZERO). In the third menu press the 2 key (Zero ALL CHANNELS). In the final menu, press the ENTER key. Replay Continue Top View Power Supply LabPro VERNIER Quick Setup Start/Stop Transfer Vernier CAL 430nm 470nm 565nm 635nm COLORIMETER Vernier STAT PLOT F1 TBLSET F2 FORNAT F3 CALC F4 TABLE F5 Alpha 2ND Mode DEL STAT PRGM COS ( X,T,O,N APPS MATH 7 4 1 8 5 2 . 9 6 3 (-) x + - ÷ Enter X -1 X2 LOG LN STO> ON SIN , VARS CLEAR TAN > ) Texas Instruments TI-84 Silver Edition CH 1: Absorbance 0.857 Mode: TIME GRAPH-180 1: SETUP 4: ANALYZE 2: START 5: TOOLS 3: GRAPH 6: QUIT
Colorimeter is now Calibrated! Previous Slide Step 4: To calibrate the colorimeter, press the 1 key (SETUP). In the next menu, press the 3 key (ZERO). In the third menu press the 2 key (Zero ALL CHANNELS). In the final menu, press the ENTER key. Replay Continue Top View Power Supply LabPro VERNIER Quick Setup Start/Stop Transfer Vernier CAL 430nm 470nm 565nm 635nm COLORIMETER Vernier STAT PLOT F1 TBLSET F2 FORNAT F3 CALC F4 TABLE F5 Alpha 2ND Mode DEL STAT PRGM COS ( X,T,O,N APPS MATH 7 4 1 8 5 2 . 9 6 3 (-) x + - ÷ Enter X -1 X2 LOG LN STO> ON SIN , VARS CLEAR TAN > ) Colorimeter is now Calibrated! Texas Instruments TI-84 Silver Edition CH 1: ABSORBANCE -0.135 PRESS [ENTER] TO ZERO CH 1: Absorbance 0.857 Mode: TIME GRAPH-180 1: SETUP 4: ANALYZE 2: START 5: TOOLS 3: GRAPH 6: QUIT CH 1: Colorimeter CH 2: CH 3: CH 4: DIG1: DIG2: MODE: TIME GRAPH-900 1:OK 3:ZERO 2:CALIBRATE 4:SAVE/LOAD CH 1: ABSORBANCE 0 Mode: TIME GRAPH-900 1: SETUP 4: ANALYZE 2: START 5: TOOLS 3: GRAPH 6: QUIT SELECT CHANNEL 1: CH1-ABSORBANCE 2: ALL CHANNELS
Step 5: Change the Data Collection mode first by pressing the 1 key (SETUP). In the next menu, use the “down key” to scroll the cursor to the left of MODE; press the ENTER key. In the SELECT MODE menu, press the 3 key to select EVENTS WITH ENTRY. Press 1 in the final menu to go back to the default screen. Previous Slide Replay Continue Power Supply LabPro VERNIER Quick Setup Start/Stop Transfer Vernier CAL 430nm 470nm 565nm 635nm COLORIMETER Vernier STAT PLOT F1 TBLSET F2 FORNAT F3 CALC F4 TABLE F5 Alpha 2ND Mode DEL STAT PRGM COS ( X,T,O,N APPS MATH 7 4 1 8 5 2 . 9 6 3 (-) x + - ÷ Enter X -1 X2 LOG LN STO> ON SIN , VARS CLEAR TAN > ) Texas Instruments TI-84 Silver Edition CH 1: ABSORBANCE CH 2: CH 3: CH 4: DIG1: DIG2: MODE: TIME GRAPH-180 1:OK 3:ZERO 2:CALIBRATE 4:SAVE/LOAD
Step 5: Change the Data Collection mode first by pressing the 1 key (SETUP). In the next menu, use the “down key” to scroll the cursor to the left of MODE; press the ENTER key. In the SELECT MODE menu, press the 3 key to select EVENTS WITH ENTRY. Press 1 in the final menu to go back to the default screen. Previous Slide Replay Continue Power Supply LabPro VERNIER Quick Setup Start/Stop Transfer Vernier CAL 430nm 470nm 565nm 635nm COLORIMETER Vernier STAT PLOT F1 TBLSET F2 FORNAT F3 CALC F4 TABLE F5 Alpha 2ND Mode DEL STAT PRGM COS ( X,T,O,N APPS MATH 7 4 1 8 5 2 . 9 6 3 (-) x + - ÷ Enter X -1 X2 LOG LN STO> ON SIN , VARS CLEAR TAN > ) Texas Instruments TI-84 Silver Edition CH 1: ABSORBANCE CH 2: CH 3: CH 4: DIG1: DIG2: MODE: TIME GRAPH-180 1:OK 3:ZERO 2:CALIBRATE 4:SAVE/LOAD CH 1: ABSORBANCE CH 2: CH 3: CH 4: DIG1: DIG2: MODE: TIME GRAPH-180 1:OK 3:ZERO 2:CALIBRATE 4:SAVE/LOAD SELECT MODE 1:LOGDATA 2:TIME GRAPH 3:EVENTS WITH ENTRY 4:SINGLE POINT 5:SELECTED EVENTS 6:RETURN TO SETUP SCREEN CH 1: ABSORBANCE 0 Mode: EVENTS WITH ENTRY 1: SETUP 4: ANALYZE 2: START 5: TOOLS 3: GRAPH 6: QUIT CH 1: Absorbance 0.857 Mode: TIME GRAPH-990 1: SETUP 4: ANALYZE 2: START 5: TOOLS 3: GRAPH 6: QUIT
COLORIMETER Vernier COLORIMETER Vernier Step 6: Begin collecting data by pressing the 2 key (START) in the default menu. Be sure to use a chemwipe to get all the fingerprints off the outside of the cuvette you are using. Place cuvette A into the colorimeter. Give the Colorimeter 15 seconds to begin taking accurate readings. Previous Slide Replay Continue Power Supply COLORIMETER Vernier Cuvette A LabPro VERNIER Quick Setup Start/Stop Transfer Vernier CAL 430nm 470nm 565nm 635nm COLORIMETER Vernier STAT PLOT F1 TBLSET F2 FORNAT F3 CALC F4 TABLE F5 Alpha 2ND Mode DEL STAT PRGM COS ( X,T,O,N APPS MATH 7 4 1 8 5 2 . 9 6 3 (-) x + - ÷ Enter X -1 X2 LOG LN STO> ON SIN , VARS CLEAR TAN > ) 470nm 565nm 430nm 635nm CAL Texas Instruments TI-84 Silver Edition CH 1: ABSORBANCE 0 Mode: EVENTS WITH ENTRY 1: SETUP 4: ANALYZE 2: START 5: TOOLS 3: GRAPH 6: QUIT
COLORIMETER Vernier COLORIMETER Vernier Step 6: Begin collecting data by pressing the 2 key (START) in the default menu. Be sure to use a chemwipe to get all the fingerprints off the outside of the cuvette you are using. Place cuvette A into the colorimeter. Give the Colorimeter 15 seconds to begin taking accurate readings. Previous Slide Replay Continue Power Supply COLORIMETER Vernier Cuvette A LabPro VERNIER Quick Setup Start/Stop Transfer Vernier CAL 430nm 470nm 565nm 635nm COLORIMETER Vernier STAT PLOT F1 TBLSET F2 FORNAT F3 CALC F4 TABLE F5 Alpha 2ND Mode DEL STAT PRGM COS ( X,T,O,N APPS MATH 7 4 1 8 5 2 . 9 6 3 (-) x + - ÷ Enter X -1 X2 LOG LN STO> ON SIN , VARS CLEAR TAN > ) 470nm 565nm 430nm 635nm CAL Texas Instruments TI-84 Silver Edition CH 1: ABSORBANCE 0 Mode: EVENTS WITH ENTRY 1: SETUP 4: ANALYZE 2: START 5: TOOLS 3: GRAPH 6: QUIT PRESS [ENTER] TO COLLECT OR [STO] TO STOP 1 0.052
COLORIMETER Vernier COLORIMETER Vernier Step 7: After 15 seconds press the ENTER key. In the next menu, you will be prompted to “ENTER VALUE?” Type in the concentration of the substance in cuvette A and press the ENTER key. Pull Cuvette A out and repeat steps 6 and 7 for the rest of the substances in separate cuvettes. Previous Slide Replay Continue Power Supply LabPro VERNIER Quick Setup Start/Stop Transfer Vernier CAL 430nm 470nm 565nm 635nm COLORIMETER Vernier STAT PLOT F1 TBLSET F2 FORNAT F3 CALC F4 TABLE F5 Alpha 2ND Mode DEL STAT PRGM COS ( X,T,O,N APPS MATH 7 4 1 8 5 2 . 9 6 3 (-) x + - ÷ Enter X -1 X2 LOG LN STO> ON SIN , VARS CLEAR TAN > ) COLORIMETER Vernier 470nm 565nm 430nm 635nm CAL Texas Instruments TI-84 Silver Edition PRESS [ENTER] TO COLLECT OR [STO] TO STOP 1 0.052
COLORIMETER Vernier COLORIMETER Vernier Step 7: After 15 seconds press the ENTER key. In the next menu, you will be prompted to “ENTER VALUE?” Type in the concentration of the substance in cuvette A and press the ENTER key. Pull Cuvette A out and repeat steps 6 and 7 for the rest of the substances in separate cuvettes. Previous Slide Replay Continue Power Supply LabPro VERNIER Quick Setup Start/Stop Transfer Vernier CAL 430nm 470nm 565nm 635nm COLORIMETER Vernier STAT PLOT F1 TBLSET F2 FORNAT F3 CALC F4 TABLE F5 Alpha 2ND Mode DEL STAT PRGM COS ( X,T,O,N APPS MATH 7 4 1 8 5 2 . 9 6 3 (-) x + - ÷ Enter X -1 X2 LOG LN STO> ON SIN , VARS CLEAR TAN > ) COLORIMETER Vernier 470nm 565nm 430nm 635nm CAL Texas Instruments TI-84 Silver Edition PRESS [ENTER] TO COLLECT OR [STO] TO STOP 1 0.052 PRESS [ENTER] TO COLLECT OR [STO] TO STOP 2 0.012 ENTER VALUE ?
COLORIMETER Vernier COLORIMETER Vernier Step 7: Once you have recorded the absorbance of the substances in cuvette A, B, and C using steps 6 and 7, press the STO button to end recording additional measurements. A stat plot of the recorded absorbencies will appear on the screen. Press ENTER to escape this screen and return to the default menu. Previous Slide Replay Continue Power Supply LabPro VERNIER Quick Setup Start/Stop Transfer Vernier CAL 430nm 470nm 565nm 635nm COLORIMETER Vernier STAT PLOT F1 TBLSET F2 FORNAT F3 CALC F4 TABLE F5 Alpha 2ND Mode DEL STAT PRGM COS ( X,T,O,N APPS MATH 7 4 1 8 5 2 . 9 6 3 (-) x + - ÷ Enter X -1 X2 LOG LN STO> ON SIN , VARS CLEAR TAN > ) COLORIMETER Vernier 470nm 565nm 430nm 635nm CAL Texas Instruments TI-84 Silver Edition PRESS [ENTER] TO COLLECT OR [STO] TO STOP 4 0.00025
COLORIMETER Vernier COLORIMETER Vernier Step 7: Once you have recorded the absorbance of the substances in cuvette A, B, and C using steps 6 and 7, press the STO button to end recording additional measurements. A stat plot of the recorded absorbencies will appear on the screen. Press ENTER to escape this screen and return to the default menu. Previous Slide Replay Continue Power Supply LabPro VERNIER Quick Setup Start/Stop Transfer Vernier CAL 430nm 470nm 565nm 635nm COLORIMETER Vernier STAT PLOT F1 TBLSET F2 FORNAT F3 CALC F4 TABLE F5 Alpha 2ND Mode DEL STAT PRGM COS ( X,T,O,N APPS MATH 7 4 1 8 5 2 . 9 6 3 (-) x + - ÷ Enter X -1 X2 LOG LN STO> ON SIN , VARS CLEAR TAN > ) COLORIMETER Vernier 470nm 565nm 430nm 635nm CAL Texas Instruments TI-84 Silver Edition CH 1: ABSORBANCE 0.009 Mode: EVENTS WITH ENTRY 1: SETUP 4: ANALYZE 2: START 5: TOOLS 3: GRAPH 6: QUIT PRESS [ENTER] TO COLLECT OR [STO] TO STOP 4 0.00025 ABSORBANCE P1 X=concentration # y=Absorbance
COLORIMETER Vernier COLORIMETER Vernier Step 8: Press the 6 key (QUIT) then the ENTER key to save your recorded concentration vs. absorbance data in L1 and L2. The data can be downloaded the into the LoggerPro program as described in tutorial 2. Previous Slide Replay Continue Power Supply LabPro VERNIER Quick Setup Start/Stop Transfer Vernier CAL 430nm 470nm 565nm 635nm COLORIMETER Vernier STAT PLOT F1 TBLSET F2 FORNAT F3 CALC F4 TABLE F5 Alpha 2ND Mode DEL STAT PRGM COS ( X,T,O,N APPS MATH 7 4 1 8 5 2 . 9 6 3 (-) x + - ÷ Enter X -1 X2 LOG LN STO> ON SIN , VARS CLEAR TAN > ) COLORIMETER Vernier 470nm 565nm 430nm 635nm CAL Texas Instruments TI-84 Silver Edition CH 1: ABSORBANCE 0.009 Mode: EVENTS WITH ENTRY 1: SETUP 4: ANALYZE 2: START 5: TOOLS 3: GRAPH 6: QUIT
COLORIMETER Vernier COLORIMETER Vernier Step 8: Press the 6 key (QUIT) then the ENTER key to save your recorded concentration vs. absorbance data in L1 and L2. The data can be downloaded the into the LoggerPro program as described in tutorial 2. Previous Slide Replay Continue Power Supply LabPro VERNIER Quick Setup Start/Stop Transfer Vernier CAL 430nm 470nm 565nm 635nm COLORIMETER Vernier STAT PLOT F1 TBLSET F2 FORNAT F3 CALC F4 TABLE F5 Alpha 2ND Mode DEL STAT PRGM COS ( X,T,O,N APPS MATH 7 4 1 8 5 2 . 9 6 3 (-) x + - ÷ Enter X -1 X2 LOG LN STO> ON SIN , VARS CLEAR TAN > ) COLORIMETER Vernier 470nm 565nm 430nm 635nm CAL Texas Instruments TI-84 Silver Edition EVENTS IN L1 CH1 IN L2 CH2 IN L3 CH3 IN L4 CH4 IN L5 D IN L6, V In L7 A IN L8 [ENTER] CH 1: ABSORBANCE 0.009 Mode: EVENTS WITH ENTRY 1: SETUP 4: ANALYZE 2: START 5: TOOLS 3: GRAPH 6: QUIT
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