Speech structure Date: Objectives Define and understand the structure of a speech. Prepare to write a speech Enjoy an array of tips on public speaking. Example There is an umbrella-like muscle called the diaphragm below your chest, which helps you talk louder. Proper posture opens it up while slouching closes it.
Warm-up: getting nervous never helps. When you’re nervous you get sweaty, your voice crackles, you forget to breath and can’t think. At worst, you puke. With this in mind, can you name a funny or happy moment that brings a smile to your face and which you could think of to calm yourself. Write this down and share it. At the moment, mine is SNL Eric Trump looking at a fidget spinner.
Beginning Introduction Definitions References Body Conclusion Speech structure A good speech has a clear: Beginning Middle End A great speech has a clear: Introduction Definitions References Body Conclusion
Proposition: agree with the topic Opposition: disagree with the topic. For the purposes of going through the structure The topic we shall discuss is ‘All students should have after-school jobs’ (note topic down and the definitions below) Proposition: agree with the topic Opposition: disagree with the topic.
Introduction – noting this down Greet the audience formally. ‘Ladies and Gentlemen’, ‘My fellow classmates’. Question to discuss: Remember this rhetorical triangle – you – facts – audience – what the audience thinks of you is as important as the facts. How might we make a good / bad impression immediately before even speaking? (example: Tattoo on face)
Introduction – noting this down Explain why are you there. Using the word ‘we’ identifies you with the audience. ‘We are here to discuss...’ Introduce what points you will make. Question to an write answer to: Always assume your audience has the attention span of a five year old. They want to know what’s coming up. Write two pros and cons of having an after school job. Bullet points. Coherent sentences.
Definition – paragraph two Define or interpret the topic in your own way. Can you twist the meanings to your advantage. This is a good place for metaphor and simile. Write down both Question and Answer: What is a student? - What is an after-school job? - (Knowledge breeds confidence. Being able to show you have done research by using a dictionary or computer shall make you look and feel smarter. Nearly every debate begins with the Oxford English dictionary.)
Reference Question to discuss What has happened in this topic? Why is it important? Who else is arguing for and against this? Question to discuss Eye contact is essential in public speaking. With crowds, it is recommended you create a triangle going from back left to back right to front middle and repeat. Why is this important do you think?
Body – paragraphs 3-5 – three points State your point clearly and immediately. Explain your point. This is a good time for repetition, anecdotes, hyperbole or the other devices we saw. We need proof. Research from books, articles, news, surveys, facts, interviews (NEVER WIKIPEDIA, can start there though.) Question to discuss: Why might Wikipedia not be a good source for arguments?
Rebuttals (can go anywhere) Disagreeing with and proving your opponents points wrong is key in debating. Sometimes you can talk about what they might say (anticipatory statement). Other times you will hear their points and refute them to their face. Question to discuss: Debaters have catchphrases they enjoy using. Mine was “if if’s and cans were pots and pans, my opponent would have a well equipped kitchen”. What do you think this meant?
Conclusion Address the audience formally again (code for your wrapping up). Summarise your points. Thank them for listening. My summary: Say hi, why your there, what your points are. What does the topic mean and what’s going on. First point. Second point. Third point. Refute. Summarise and thank the audience.
‘All students should have after school jobs’ Homework: Write speech ‘All students should have after school jobs’ Refer to yourself as proposition or opposition clearly. Keep it short. This is practise, not an exam. Experiment with ideas and enjoy it.
Cooldown question: The rhetorical triangle The Greeks had a theory that three things matter in speeches and deserve equal attention: the speaker’s skill, the audience’s knowledge and the facts presented. Discuss what happens if one of these lacking. Example: what if you had great facts but were a bad speaker?