AP Human Review!
Unit 1 Key Issue 1: How do geographers describe where things are? Chapter 1: Key Issue 1: How do geographers describe where things are? Cartography, Eratosthenes, Scale, Projection, Land ordinance of 1785, GLS, Remote sensing, GPS Key Issue 2: Why is each point on earth unique? Place, Site, Situation, Meridians and Parallels, Greenwich Mean Time, International Date Line, formal region, cultural landscape, cultural ecology, environmental determinism, possiblism, climate, vegetation, soil, landforms, polder Key Issue 3: Why are different places similar? Goblization, transnational corporations, distribution, density (arthimetic, physiologial, agricultural), concentration, pattern, space-time compression, diffusion, distance decay
Unit 2 Chapter 2: Key Issue 1: Where is the world’s population distributed? East Asia, South Asia, Southeast Asia, Europe, ecumene, dry lands, wet lands, cold lands, high lands, natural increase rate, crude birth rate, crude death rate, doubling time, total fertility rate, infant mortality rate Key Issue 2: Why is population increasing at different rates in different countries? Demographic transition, population pyramids, dependency ratio, sex ratio Key Issue 3: Why might the world face overpopulation problem? Thomas Malthus, Neo-Malthus, epidemiologic transition Chapter 3: Key Issue 1: Why do people migrate? Push and pull factors, intervening obstacles, international migration, internal migration, interregional migration, intraregional migration, forced migration, migration transition Key Issue 2: Where are migrants distributed? 1st peak of immigration(1840s and 50s), 2nd peak of immigration(1880s), 3rd peak of immigration(early 1900s), Asian And Latin American immigration, undocumented immigrants Key Issue 3: Why do people migrate within a country? Rural to urban, urban to suburban, counter urbanization
Unit 3 Chapter 4: Key Issue 1: Where do folk and popular cultures originate and diffuse? Amish, soccer Key Issue 2: Why is folk culture clustered? Distinctive food preferences, taboo, building materials, form and orientation Key Issue 3: Why is pop culture widely distributed? Modern, nonelectric, Jeans, alcohol and fresh produce, television and internet Key Issue 4: Why does globalization of popular culture cause problems? western control of news media, uniform landscape, pollution, loss of tradition values, higher demand for natural resources Chapter 5: Key Issue 1: Where are English-Language speakers distributed? colonies, dialects, standard language, British Received Pronunciation, isogloss Key Issue 2: Why is English related to other languages? language family, language branch, language group, vulgar Latin, creole/creolized language
Unit 3 Key Issue 3: Where are other language families distributed? Indo-European family, Sino-Tibetan family, Afro-Asiatic, Japanese, Austronesian, Dravidian, Altaic, Niger-Congo Key Issue 4: Why do people preserve local languages? extinct languages, isolated language, ligua france/pidgin language, Ebonics, franglais, spanglish Chapter 6: Key Issue 1: Where are religions distributed? universalizing religions, ethnic religions, branch, denomination, sect, monotheism, polytheism, animism Key Issue 2: Why do religions have different distributions? missionaries, pilgrimage, cosmogony, solstice Key Issue 3: Why do religions organize space in distinct patterns? burial/cremation, place names, hierarchical religion, diocese, autonomous religions Key Issue 4: Why do territorial conflicts arise among religious groups? Fundamentalism, caste
Unit 3 Chapter 7: Key Issue 1: Where are ethnicities distributed? sharecropper, triangular slave trade, ghetto, racist, “separate but equal,” “white flight,” Blockbusting, apartheid Key Issue 2: Why have ethnicities been transformed into nationalities? Nationality, self-determination, nationalism, nation-state, centripetal/centrifugal forces, multiethnic state, multinational states Key Issue 3: Why do ethnicities clash? Ethnic competition to dominate nationality, dividing ethnicities among more then 1 state Key Issue 4: What is ethnic cleansing? ethnic cleansing, balkanized/balkanization
Unit 4 Chapter 8: Key Issue 1: Where are states located? state, sovereignty, microstates, city-states, colonialism/colony. Imperialism Key Issue 2: Why do boundaries cause problems? boundary, compact state, prorupted state, elongated state, fragmented state, perforated state, landlocked, frontiers, mountain, desert, water, geometric, relgious, language, unitary, federal state, gerrymandering Key Issue 3: Why do states cooperate with each other? balance of power, AU, OAS, EU Key Issue 4: Why has terrorism increased? al-qaeda
Unit 5 Chapter 10: Key Issue 1: Where did agriculture originate? agriculture, crop, vegetative planting, seed agriculture, subsistence agriculture, commercial agriculture, prime agriculture land, agribusiness Key Issue 2: Where are agriculture regions in Less Developed Countries? shifting cultivation, swidden, pastorial nomadism, transhumance, pasture, intensive subsistence agriculture, wet rice (sawah, paddy, chaff, threshed, winnowed, hull), double cropping, crop rotation, plantation Key Issue 3: Where are agriculture regions in More Developed Countries? cereal grain, milkshed, grain (winter wheat, spring wheat, reaper, combine), ranching, horticulture, truck farming, Von Thünen Key Issue 4: Why do farmers face economic difficulties? overpopulation, sustainable agriculture, ridge tillage, fallow, desertification, green revolution
Unit 6 Chapter 9: Key Issue 1: Why does development vary among countries? HDI, GDP, primary, secondary, tertiary, productivity, value added, literacy rate, life expectancy, infant mortality rate, national increase rate, crude birth rate Key Issue 2: Where are more and less developed countries distributed? MD- Anglo-America, Western Europe, Eastern Europe, Japan, South Pacific LD- Latin America, East Asia, Middle East, Southeast Asia, South Asia, Sub-Saharan Africa Key Issue 3: Where does level of development vary by gender? GDI, GEM, economic factors, social factors, demographic factors, income, education, literacy, life expectancy Key Issue 4: Why do less developed countries face obstacles to development? self-sufficiency, Rostow’s development model, Four Asian Dragons, Arabian Peninsula States, international trade approach, foreign direct investment, loans, structural adjustment program, fair trade
Unit 6 Chapter 11: Key Issue 1: Where is industry distributed? Industrial Revolution(U.K. and Europe), U.S. (New England, Middle Atlantic, Mohawk Valley, Pittsburgh-Lake Erie, West Great Lakes), East Asia Key Issue 2: Why do industries have different distributions? situation, bulk-reducing, bulk-gaining, single market, perishable, break- of-bulk point, site, labor-intensive industry, land, labor, capital Key Issue 3: Where is industry expanding? Right-to-work laws, Asia, Latin America, “central” Europe Key Issue 4: Why are location factors changing? low-cost labor, new international division of labor, outsourcing, Fordist vs. Post-Fordist, just-in-time delivery
Unit 7 Chapter 12: Key Issue 1: Where did services originate? consumer, public, business, clustered rural settlements (circular, linear), dispersed rural settlements, enclosure movement Key Issue 2: Why are consumer services distributing in a regular pattern? central place/central place theory, market area/hinterland, range and threshold, gravity model, rank-size rule vs. primate city Key Issue 3: Why do business services locate in large settlements? command and control center, specialized producer-service center, basic industries, nonbasic industries, economic base Key Issue 4: Why do services cluster downtown? CBD, downtown workers, intensive land use, skyscrapers, little manufacturing and residences, suburbanization Chapter 13: Key Issue 1: Where have urban areas grown? urbanization, large size, high density, social heterogeneity, MSA, micropolitan statistical area
Unit 7 Key Issue 2: Where are people distributed within urban areas? concentric zone model, sector model, multiple nuclei model, census traits, Latin American and Islamic Models, squatter settlements Key Issue 3: Why do inner cities have distinctive problems? filtering, redlining, urban renewal, public housing, gentrification, underclass, annexation Key Issue 4: Why do suburbs have distinctive problems? peripheral model, edge cities, density gradient, sprawl, zoning ordinances, rush hour, council of government, smart growth
Well, that’s all I have. I know it seems Like a lot, but study hard, it’s gonna be alright =]