Compiler Design 22. ANTLR AST Traversal (AST as Input, AST Grammars)


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Presentation transcript:

Compiler Design 22. ANTLR AST Traversal (AST as Input, AST Grammars) Kanat Bolazar April 13, 2010

Chars → Tokens → AST → .... Lexer Parser Tree Parser

ANTLR Syntax grammar file, name.g one rule Trees /** doc comment */ kind grammar name; options {…} tokens {…} scopes… @header {…} @members {…} rules… /** doc comment */ rule[String s, int z] returns [int x, int y] throws E options {…} scopes @init {…} @after {…} :  |  ; catch [Exception e] {…} finally {…} Trees ^(root child1 … childN)

What is LL(*)? Natural extension to LL(k) lookahead DFA: Allow cyclic DFA that can skip ahead past common prefixes to see what follows Analogy: like trying to decide which line to get in at the movies: long line, can’t see sign ahead from the back; run ahead to see sign Predict and proceed normally with LL parse No need to specify k a priori Weakness: can’t deal with recursive left-prefixes ticket_line : PEOPLE+ STAR WARS 9 | PEOPLE+ AVATAR 2 ;

LL(*) Example Note: ‘x’, ‘y’ not in prediction DFA s : ID+ ':' ‘x’ | ID+ '.' ‘y’ ; void s() { int alt=0; while (LA(1)==ID) consume(); if ( LA(1)==‘:’ ) alt=1; if ( LA(1)==‘.’ ) alt=2; switch (alt) { case 1 : … case 2 : … default : error; } Note: ‘x’, ‘y’ not in prediction DFA

Tree Rewrite Rules Maps an input grammar fragment to an output tree grammar fragment grammar T; options {output=AST;} stat : 'return' expr ';' -> ^('return' expr) ; decl : 'int' ID (',' ID)* -> ^('int' ID+) ; decl : 'int' ID (',' ID)* -> ^('int' ID)+ ;

Template Rewrite Rules Reference template name with attribute assigments as args: Template assign is defined like this: grammar T; options {output=template;} s : ID '=' INT ';' -> assign(x={$ID.text},y={$INT.text}) ; group T; assign(x,y) ::= "<x> := <y>;"

ANTLR AST (Abstract Syntax Tree) Processing ANTLR allows creation and manipulation of ASTs 1. Generate an AST (file.mj → AST in memory) grammar MyLanguage; options { output = AST; ASTLabelType = CommonTree; } 2. Traverse, process AST → AST: tree grammar TypeChecker; tokenVocab = MyLanguage; 3. AST → action (Java): grammar Interpreter; options { tokenVocab = MyLanguage; }

AST Processing: Calculator 2, 3 ANTLR expression evaluator (calculator) examples: We are interested in the examples that build an AST, and evaluate (interpret) the language AST. These are in the, as examples 2 and 3. grammar Expr; options { output=AST; ASTLabelType=CommonTree; } Expr AST tree grammar Eval; options { tokenVocab=Expr; ASTLabelType=CommonTree; } Eval

grammar Expr; options { output=AST; ASTLabelType=CommonTree; } prog: ( stat {System.out.println( $stat.tree.toStringTree());} )+ ; stat: expr NEWLINE -> expr | ID '=' expr NEWLINE -> ^('=' ID expr) | NEWLINE -> ; expr: multExpr (('+'^|'-'^) multExpr)* multExpr : atom ('*'^ atom)* atom: INT | ID | '('! expr ')'! tree grammar Eval; options { tokenVocab=Expr; ASTLabelType=CommonTree; } @header { import java.util.HashMap; } @members { HashMap memory = new HashMap(); } prog: stat+ ; stat: expr {System.out.println($expr.value);} | ^('=' ID expr) {memory.put($ID.text, new Integer($expr.value));} ; expr returns [int value] : ^('+' a=expr b=expr) {$value = a+b;} | ^('-' a=expr b=expr) {$value = a-b;} | ^('*' a=expr b=expr) {$value = a*b;} | ID { Integer v = (Integer)memory.get($ID.text); if ( v!=null ) $value = v.intValue(); else System.err.println("undefined var "+$ID.text); | INT {$value = Integer.parseInt($INT.text);}

AST → AST, AST → Template The ANTLR Tree construction page has examples of processing ASTs: AST → AST: Can be used for typechecking, processing (taking derivative of polynomials/formula) AST → Java (action): Often the final step where AST is needed no more. AST → Template: Can simplify Java/action when output is templatized Please see Calculator examples as well. They show which files have to be shared so tree grammars can be used.

Our Tree Grammar Look at sample output from our AST generator (syntax_test_ast.txt): 9. program X27 (program X27 10. 11. // constants 12. final int CONST = 25; (final (TYP int) CONST 25) 13. final char CH = '\n'; (final (TYP char) CH '\n') 14. final notype[] B3 = 35; (final (ARRAY notype) B3 35) 15. 16. // classes (types) 17. class Helper { (class Helper 18. // only variable declarations... 19. int x; (VARLIST (VAR (TYP int) x) 20. char y; (VAR (TYP char) y) 21. foo[] bar; (VAR (ARRAY foo) bar))) 22. } We can create our tree grammar from this Also look at imaginary tokens in your AST generation