Http:// Focusing on the current HR enabling systems we use and your personal experiences, is Army Information.


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Presentation transcript: Focusing on the current HR enabling systems we use and your personal experiences, is Army Information Management just another hype?

Learning Objective Action: Coordinate Personnel Information Management Condition: Senior HR Leaders in a classroom environment working individually and as a member of a small group, using doctrinal and administrative publications, practical exercises, case studies, personal experience, handouts, and discussion with an awareness of the Operational Environment (OE) variables and actors. Standard: Analysis includes: 1. Examine PIM doctrinal functions, authorities, and responsibilities. 2. Compare primary HR enabling systems and web-based applications and resources.

Personnel Information Management Proponent = Army G-1 Supports the execution of all HR Core Competencies Objective is to collect, process, store, display and disseminate critical information about Soldiers, DoD Civilians, units, and other personnel as directed. Goal is to ensure timely and accurate personnel data on Soldiers and civilians for commanders and other decision makers that affect other HR core competencies. VSAT iPERMS ROAMS JPAS eMILPO EDAS WebEDAS COPS TOPMIS eTOPMIS DTAS DCIPS DARTS MEDPROS SIDPERS RCAS DRSO iMARC RLAS Active USAR All Components ARNG FM 1-0, para 3-103 thru 3-172 HR Enabling Systems

One-way bundle from ARNG to TAPDB-AO and AE upon mobilization ITAPDB Interactions Two-way direction bundles from AR to TAPDB-AO and AE upon mobilization TAPDB-AO - Active Officers - Mobilized RC Officers - eMILPO, TOPMIS Update - Data Bundle to TAPDB-R on DEMOB, not TAPDB-G eMILPO TAPDB-R - AR Enlisted/Officers - Shares data w/AO and AE - RLAS updates DB-R Accepts data bundle from AC at DEMOB Always DB of record for AR in ITAPDB RLAS ITAPDB REFRESH DAILY - Data warehouse for all TAPDBs - Updates data daily - Used by Leadership- Total COP - Only holds 1 record/SSN - By policy, uses TAPDB-G/R for RC Soldiers even when Mobilized TAPDB-AE - Active Enlisted - Mobilized RC Enlisted - eMILPO, EDAS Update - Data Bundle to TAPDB-R on DEMOB, not TAPDB-G eMILPO - ARNG Enlisted/Officers SIDPERS 10g/ RCAS State feeds server @ NGB to update TAPDB-G - Will not accept (policy) data bundle from AC at DEMOB TAPDB-G RCAS One-way bundle from ARNG to TAPDB-AO and AE upon mobilization

PIM / PA / SR / PRM Relationships Interrelated and Interdependent READINESS SRC-12 OPERATIONS G-1 / S-1 OPERATIONS PRM HRC COPS PRM coordination w/ G-1 Oversight ASCC G-1 Management of JPERSTAT (SR) HRSC Management of DTAS (PA) S-1 X I I PA SR DTAS / eMILPO SR to G-1 (JPERSTAT) Theater APOD TG PAT Team . PA CAPTURE into DTAS PA MAINTENANCE of DTAS / eMILPO P I M DTAS / eMILPO PIM supports the execution of all HR core competencies 5

HR Staff Elements / SRC 12 GROUP PRACTICAL EXERCISE #1 Each group has 15 minutes to analyze the doctrinal responsibilities for their assigned HR staff element or SRC 12 organization. Identify the top three critical PIM tasks and/or responsibilities for your assigned organization and be prepared to defend your reasoning. Each group has 10 minutes to present their analysis to the class. GROUP 1 ASCC / Corps / Division G-1 GROUP 2 Human Resources Sustainment Center GROUP 3 Brigade S-1 GROUP 4 Battalion S-1

Army Military Human Resource Records Management The AMHRR is the historical and authoritative source for authentication of veteran or service-related benefits, entitlements and services. Reflective of the individual Soldier and is stored in iPERMS. S-1 / HR Personnel = Records Manager Serves as the conduit for the transference of Soldiers records and documents from a physical location to their AMHRR and related files in iPERMS. Ensures all authorized documents are uploaded and verified in the AMHRR. Army Military Human Resource Record – AR 600-8-104 Performance Evaluation Education Commendatory Disciplinary Performance related information to include evaluations, commendatory documents, and specific disciplinary information and training / education documents. The primary purpose of this folder is to provide necessary information to officials and selection boards tasked with assessing Soldiers for promotion, special programs, or tours of duty. This folder populates various board related applications (e.g., Army Selection Board System) Service Administrative General, administrative, and Service documents. Restricted Documents that may normally be considered improper for viewing by selection boards or career managers. Medical Health Dental Permanent health information, such as a permanent physical profile or physical health assessment. Other Finance documents. State/Territory State Awards State Misc. Documents referencing State awards and personnel actions.

Interactive Personnel Electronic Records Management System (iPERMS) iPERMS is the official repository for AMHRR for all Soldiers, to include ARNG, currently serving or were discharged, deceased, retired post 1 October 2002.

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Records Accuracy Campaign IN! OUT! Bad Impacts on Promotions, Selections, and Assignments Bad Records Maintenance Information Management and Personnel Accountability depend critically upon data accuracy and correctness. The SRB will reflect the records data in the legacy HR systems. Soldiers MUST review all portions of their personnel record to ensure their SRB reflects correct information.

Review the SRB

Nine Pre-Defined Queries Personnel Management Assigned Duty Title Demographics Information Certification & Qualification Member Availability & Restriction Overseas & Deployment History Annual Records Review Service Data Promotion Information

Self-Service Applications Tools for Soldiers Tools for HR Professionals

Learning Objective Action: Coordinate Personnel Information Management Condition: Senior HR Leaders in a classroom environment working individually and as a member of a small group, using doctrinal and administrative publications, practical exercises, case studies, personal experience, handouts, and discussion with an awareness of the Operational Environment (OE) variables and actors. Standard: Analysis includes: 1. Examine PIM doctrinal functions, authorities, and responsibilities. 2. Compare primary HR enabling systems and web-based applications and resources.