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The following photo presentation is of Anir Experience at work: Our volunteers and interns, our work locations and some of the organizations we partner with or make donations to…
What we do Our Goals Participating in the UN Millennium Goals to eradicate poverty by: § Supporting Healthy Lifestyle and HIV/AIDS Education § Help to build affordable housing for everyone § Assure basic education for everyone § Appreciating Diversity § Promoting Cultural Heritage Preservation § Valuing Our Environment Making Lunch – East London , South Africa
Our Mission Our Mission Anir Experience endeavors to make it possible, for anyone who wants to contribute to the global fight against poverty to be able to do so personally. Our first choice is to create personal hands-on Experiences for each individual, but if that is not possible, our second choice is for the individual to consider a monetary donation to help someone else make the trip, and there-by giving the donor the chance to participate vicariously with equal importance. Our programs include but are not limited to: volunteering at orphan homes and foster care units, building homes in partnership with Habitat for Humanity International, community health programs and volunteer work projects focused on ecological issues and animal habitat
Programs We’ll start with our Habitat for Humanity International Global Village partnership program Then Our HIV/AIDS Awareness & Foster Care Volunteer & Internship programs
Our first partnership with HfH 2002 Habitat Global Village Blitz build in Durban South Africa with President Jimmy Carter
Build Botswana 2006
Zambia 2006
Build Madagascar 2007
Madagascar Build Madagascar
Madagascar Thatching for the roof - Madagascar
Madagascar Madagascar
Akany Avoko Children’s Home Madagascar
Madagascar Akany Avoko Children’s Home Madagascar
Madagascar Rain Forest
Cape Town Khayelitsha Township Cape Town South Africa
Mfuleni Build Mfuleni Township Cape Town 2008
Mfuleni South Africa Mfuleni South Africa
Blowing bubbles in Mfuleni Township
Community support – Mfuleni Township
Mfuleni Township, Cape Town Walking to school Mfuleni Township, Cape Town
Lesotho August 2008
Lesotho August 2008
Mixing daga in Lesotho
Gone Rural Women’s weaving coop Swaziland 2006 Gone Rural Women’s weaving coop
Safe Home for street boys East London South Africa
Khayelitsha Township Cape Town
Mfuleni South Africa March 2008 Baphumelele Children’s Home, Khayelitsha
Cape Town Baphumelele Children’s Home, Khayelitsha
Baphumelele Children’s Home, Khayelitsha
Baphumelele Children’s Home, Khayelitsha
Mama Amelia’s Children’s Home Khayelitsha, Cape Town
Mama Amelia’s Children’s Home Khayelitsha, Cape Town
Heaven’s Nest Children’s Home Cape Town
University of Technology Cape Town Opening day for HIV/AIDS community education
Interns attend HIV/AIDS workshop Cape Town HIV/AIDS Class Interns attend HIV/AIDS workshop Cape Town
Robben Island Students at the entrance to Robben Island Prison Where Nelson Mandela spent 18 of his 27 years in prison…
ZULU Historic site Students visit Zulu Historic site
New Programs for 2009 Anir is always looking for new projects in addition to our other programs: Township Toys made by local persons who are unemployed due to HIV/AIDS related issues Toys made from recycled materials Project will start at Baphumelele adult training program , Khayelitsha, Cape Town
Raising Fountains Zambia Project 2009 Focused of Clean drinking water and malaria prevention
S A F A R I R&R at the end of each Anir Experience happens with a photo …
Safari Rachel Blue, Savannah, Adrienne Anir Experience Education Leaders
Safari Volunteers Cayley & cub Lisa & Lisa (Ranger Shadrick stands watch)
Safari Safari
A Beautiful Wonderfully Paradoxical Experience
Anir Experience 2006 2004 2005 2007 March 2008 August 2008
How You Can Participate Create an Anir Experience for your school, civic club, community, family or friends or become an Anir Intern or Volunteer If you can’t volunteer become an Anir Experience Supporter Donate to the Anir Foundation to help others participate Donate directly to an Anir Experience Project or Program Donations are tax deductible Be an Anir Exp. Fundraiser The Anir Foundation 120 W. Washington St. Lewisburg, WV 24901 818-983-7032 Adrienne B. Biesemeyer or www.myspace/anirexperience