That festivals purpose is to help people. It happens like that people who has enough money and is able to buy,buys bavine animals and sacrifice them for god and serve out its meat to people who need it like poor families. Except that, when someone wish something saying thatIll sacrifice an animal if it comes truethey do the same thing,too.
On month which called ramadan,people fast religious fasting.It means that people,who are fasting,dont eat or drink anything from sunrise to sunset. When it is sunset,you can hear the azan from mosques.Then you can eat and drink whatever you want.In that moment people usually come together in ones house.This is called as iftar. Before the sunset people wake up and it again.After that time,they cant eat or drink anything.And its called suhoor. This cycle goes on for a month.
First day of the festival,boys go to mosques for praying. Then,everyone go to visit their relatives. Everyone try to be clean and wear their newest clothes. When you go to visit one,they give you candy and pour cologne in your hand. When someone young kiss the old persons hand,(s)he gives you money. Children go to houses,knock their doors and want candy or money.You can imagine this like Halloween.
People pray to God reading Quran in their house with crowd when they have a baby,a new house or someone passed away.
It is celebrated between December. It is usually celebrating in schools. The aim of that event is raising the awareness of public about consumption. In that day,people use the things that made in Turkey. Why are we celebrating this day? Turkey was the country that just got out of the battle.Because of that,its economy wasnt strong enough.So,they made this day for saving money and preventing economical span.
Students buy presents and read poems for their teachers. It is a day which students make feel their teacher happy in that way,on 24th of November. This day is celebrated by almost all countries. the date of the day. But the difference is the date of the day.
It is a national holiday. Its celebrating as a kids festival. When it is 23 april,everywhere is decorated and kids play around freely,dance and sing. It is the only festival for just kids in the world.Because of that,the kids are coming from around the world on 23 april. Why are we celebrating this? Because Grand National Assembly of Turkey was opened on 23 April 1920.And Mustafa Kemal Atatürk made it the day of the kids and gave it as a gift to the all kids.
It is the day of proclamation of the republic in Turkey. It is celebrated as a national holiday. People gather in common places and celebrate the day memorializing our predecessor and casualties. Children read poems and someone makes speech. Its a important date for Turkey.Not just a date, a new beginning.
Its 19 May the Commemoration of Atatürk, Youth and Sports Day. It is an annual Turkish national holiday celebrated on May 19 to commemorate Mustafa Kemal's landing at Samsun on May 19, 1919, which is regarded as the beginning of the Turkish War of Independence. Youths sing the national anthem, read poems, make parades and sports and realise cultural activities like performing folk dances and play epic drama to commemorate Atatürk and his companions' beginning of the national struggle in 1919 that would lead to the establishment of the Repuclic of Turkey, in 1923.
It is the most pathetic date for Turkish Nation. We lost our great leader Mustafa Kemal Atatürk who put his heart to this country and this nation.Things he did are incommunicable and Turkish people reaaly grateful to him. The date is not a festival or holiday,it is the date of Turkishs lament. In that day Turkish flags are pulled down and siren sounds at All stand in silence and respect him,his revolutions again.
It is celebrating on the last day of the year. This celebration is most likely known with lotto,tangerine, watching tv shows. On that day you can find a lot of tv shows about the new year and you can see some belly dancers on tv. People eat tangerine and dried fruits,nuts in their home. People come togerher and play bingo. You can see some vendor which are trying to sell turkey.
When spring arrives,it brings joy,peace and plentifulness.Most people celebrate Newroz when spring arrives, every year on 21 March. It makes people happy and in that day people come together.
People make picnic in this day and when it gets dark,people build a fire.Then,before everyone jump over the fire one by one,everyone make a wish.Then everyone start to jump over the fire. It is quite similar with Newroz.The difference is the dates of celebration. Hıdırellez 6 May Newroz 21 March
Women organize this event. A group of women come together.Once in a week, one of them is chosen to be host. She cookes foods and her friends bring to her gold.It alternates with others.