European Explorers Review Guide ! © Erin Kathryn 2014
Learning Targets I know the names of the six European explorers learned in 4th grade Social Studies. I know which European country sent each explorer (France, Spain or England). I can describe the reasons for exploration for each of the six explorers. I can describe the obstacles each explorer faced. I can explain examples of ways explorers adapted or failed to adapt to their environments. I can describe the accomplishments of each explorer including where they explored. I can explain examples of conflict and cooperation between Native Americans and European explorers.
Christopher Columbus Sailed for: Spain Year(s) of Exploration: 1492-1504 Obstacles: Death No maps Uncharted waters Frightened crew Accomplishments: Discovered the “New World” and what became Cuba Sailed for Queen Isabella and King Ferninand © Erin Kathryn 2014
Christopher Columbus' Journey Europe Spain North America San Salvador
Juan Ponce de Leon Sailed for: Spain Year(s) of Exploration: 1493-1521 Obstacles: Fought with Native Americans Accomplishments: Claimed what became Florida Tried to look for the “Fountain of Youth” and gold © Erin Kathryn 2014
Ponce de Leon’s Journey Europe North America Spain Florida
Vasco Nunez de Balboa Sailed for: Spain Year(s) of Exploration: 1500-1519 Obstacles: Fought with Native Americans Uncharted waters Accomplishments: First to see the Pacific Ocean from Panama © Erin Kathryn 2014
Balboa's Voyage Spain South America Europe North America Isthmus of Panama South America Pacific Ocean
Jacques Cartier Sailed for: France Year(s) of Exploration: 1534-1541 Obstacles: Sailors caught diseases Uncharted waters Accomplishments: Explored what became the St. Lawrence River in Canada Helped France get rich with the fur trade Discovered Newfoundland © Erin Kathryn 2014
Jacques Cartier’s Voyage St. Lawrence River Europe France North America
John Cabot Sailed for: England Year(s) of Exploration: 1496-1498 Obstacles: No maps Looked for Northwest Passage, but couldn’t find it Accomplishments: Sailed to what became Canada and found rich fishing area © Erin Kathryn 2014
John Cabot's voyage England Canada
Henry Hudson Sailed for: England Year(s) of Exploration: 1607-1611 Obstacles: Crew rebelled (mutinied) in the cold climate Accomplishments: Sailed up what is now the Hudson River in New York Claimed what is now Hudson Bay in Canada © Erin Kathryn 2014
Henry Hudson' Voyage England Canada North America
Internet Activity Go to this website to complete a European Exploration Webquest: explorers/Home.html
Review QUIZ Please study. A review quiz will be given on this coming Tuesday (Feb. 2). A review test will be given on this coming Friday (Feb. 5)