Nor Edzan Che Nasir Library, University of Malaya 11/11/2018 7th Meeting of the ASEAN University Network Inter-Library Online (AUNILO), 17-19 February 2011, Manila, Philippines Academic Institutional Repositories In Malaysia : AUNILO Country Report Nor Edzan Che Nasir Library, University of Malaya
INTRODUCTION Sunday, November 11, 2018
IRs in MALAYSIA “... in order to enhance the knowledge and information contained in the local collections, libraries need to embark on joint initiatives with universities and public and private archives to develop a repository for culture and become a reference point for the world to access information and knowledge about the country.” ~ 5th Prime Minister of Malaysia Honorable Hj. Abdullah Ahmad Badawi (2000) Sunday, November 11, 2018
In the context of Malaysia, one defines IR as : “For the purpose of this paper, we would adopt the definition given by Wikipedia. An institutional repository is an online locus for collecting, preserving, and disseminating in digital form – the intellectual output of an institution, particularly a research institution. For a university, this would include materials such as research journal articles, before (preprints) and after (post prints) undergoing peer review, and digital versions of theses and dissertations, but might also include other digital assets generated by normal academic life, such as administrative documents, course notes or learning objects.” ~ Ida Madieha bt Abdul Ghani Azmi. 2009. Institutional Repositories in Malaysia : The Copyright Issues. International Journal of Law and Technology, 17(3) : 268-281. Sunday, November 11, 2018
STATUS OF IRs in PUBLIC UNIVERSITIES 18 private universities 4 foreign universities 20 public universities Sunday, November 11, 2018
Sunday, November 11, 2018
Directory of Open Access Repositories - OpenDOAR – 11 IRs 11/11/2018 Directory of Open Access Repositories - OpenDOAR – 11 IRs UiTM – Universiti Teknologi Malaysia Institutional Repository ( UKM – PTSL UKM Repository ( UM - MyManuskrip: Digital Library of Malay Manuscripts (Pustaka Digital Manuskrip Melayu ( - DSpace@UM ( - UM Digital Repository( UniMAP - UniMaP Library Digital Repository ( UPM – Universiti Putra Malaysia Instititional Repository ( USM - ePrints@USM (http://eprints,usm,my) UTM - Universiti Teknologi Malaysia Institutional Repository ( UUM – UUM Repository ( The WorldFish Center – Worldfish Center Publication ( Sunday, November 11, 2018
Sunday, November 11, 2018
Registry of Open Access Repositories – ROAR – 17 IRs 11/11/2018 Registry of Open Access Repositories – ROAR – 17 IRs Research Cross-Institutional UM – Malaysian Abstracting and Indexing System(9184 records) - 08 August 2007 UM - MyManuskrip(unknown number of records) - 08 October 2008 Research Institutional or Departmental UiTM – Digital Repository (unknown number of records) - 11 March 2009 UKM - Institutional Repository (unknown number of records) - 18 November 2010 UKM – PTSL UKM Repository (301 records) - 29 August 2007 UKM – Social Sciences Research Network (SSRN) (unknown number of records) - 06 January 2008 UM - Digital Repository (1504 records) - 25 February 2008 UniMAP – iRepository at Perpustakaan UniMAP (10598 records) - 21 May 2007 UNITEN - (unknown number of records) - 29 January 2010 UPM - PSAS IR (7821 records) - 23 April 2008 USM – ePrints@USM (20250 records) - 17 April 2008 UTeM (unknown number of records) - 24 August 2009 UUM – iRepository (1580 records) - 20 June 2007 WorldFish Center Publications(1046 records) - 18 September 2008 e-Journal/Publication UTM – Institutional Repository UTM-IR (9371 records) - 26 January 2007 e-Theses UM - DSpace@UM (unknown number of records) - 29 March 2009 UUM - Electronic Thesis and Dissertation (1988 records) - 20 October 2008 Sunday, November 11, 2018
Sunday, November 11, 2018
SUMMARY - NUMBER OF PUBLIC UNIVERSITY LIBRARIES WITH IRs 11/11/2018 SUMMARY - NUMBER OF PUBLIC UNIVERSITY LIBRARIES WITH IRs OpenDOARS ROAR UPM Library’s Website 8 public university libraries 10 public university libraries 13 public university libraries 2 GLC university libraries
Number of IRs & software SYSTEM UKM UM UPM USM TOTAL Dspace 1 EPrints 2 3 7 Omeka Others TOTAL: 4 5 11 Sunday, November 11, 2018
Budget for IRs At an early stage, member libraries have spent approximately RM50,000 – RM200, 000 to develop IRs. Sunday, November 11, 2018
Digital document types in IRs Articles Books and theses Primary data Video, music and the like Course material Other types of material Sunday, November 11, 2018
Document types UKM UM UPM USM 68549 12034 7576 19703 11/11/2018 Document types UKM UM UPM USM Articles 7699 8656 2568 226 Books 933 16 88 Books sections 2227 26 6 Monograph 5 488 Exam papers 5379 17, 100 Conference papers / workshop items / Proceedings 6637 959 93 633 Show / exhibition 1 Theses 9734 772 3682 920 Image 504 1600 83 Video, music & the like 92 Course materials 75 Inaugural Lecture 43 Newspaper Cutting 33344 756 Bulletins 484 434 Others 1415 158 TOTAL 68549 12034 7576 19703 Sunday, November 11, 2018
Repository access University Type of access UKM Public UM UPM USM Sunday, November 11, 2018
11/11/2018 Status of IR policies The status as it stands – no policy, drafted policy, implemented policy Issues to be addressed in policies Authorized contributors Defining collections Restricting access Metadata Acceptable content Withdrawing content Preserving content External contributors Updating content Intellectual property Privacy policy Access management services Revising policies Licensing content Charging for services Sunday, November 11, 2018
Authorized contributors UKM UM UPM USM Librarians * Faculty Graduate Students Research Scientist Archivist Undergraduate Students Institutions Administrators Academicians Academic support staff Institution’s central computers services staff Institution’s press External contributors Institution’s news service Sunday, November 11, 2018
Platforms (Operating System) University UKM UM UPM USM Linux - Fedora 2 3 1 Informix-MySQL AIX 4.3 Ubuntu Windows Sunday, November 11, 2018
ACROSS THE BOARD Sunday, November 11, 2018
ISSUES AND CHALLENGES Issues arising from the establishment of the Irs in Malaysia: Collection management and stewardship of collection Understanding of software and giving training to authors Establishing a standard metadata and comprehensive catalogue system = national metadata standard Documented policies Copyright issues Review submission for quality of content Persuading authors to contribute with self archiving Training users search technique in institutional repository Promotion and marketing Sunday, November 11, 2018
PUBLICATIONS ON IRs Limited Librarians need to publish Abrizah, A. 2010. Piloting an institutional repository at a research-intensive university : strategies for content recruitment and trhe role of the library. World Digital Libraries, 3(1) : 23-29 Edzan, N.N. 2008. Looking at institutional repositories in Malaysian public universities. ETTLIS 2008, 18-19 December 2008, New Delhi. 6p Ida Madieha bt Abdul Ghani Azmi. 2009. Institutional Repositories in Malaysia : The Copyright Issues. International Journal of Law and Technology, 17(3) : 268-281. Katayoon Kamraninia and A. Abrizah. 2010. Librarians' role as change agents for institutional repositories: A case of Malaysian academic libraries. Malaysian Journal of Library & Information Science. 15(3) : 121-133. Zainab, A.N. 2010. Open Access repositories and journals for visibility: Implications for Malaysian libraries. Malaysian Journal of Library & Information Science, 15(3) : 97-119. Sunday, November 11, 2018
CONCLUSION IRs will definitely increase the visibility of research undertaken by the various Malaysian universities It will be a part of continuous initiatives of Malaysian academic libraries to further disseminate Malaysian research output worldwide. Lowering impact barriers Lowering access barriers Sunday, November 11, 2018