Sustainment Technology Process (STP) Prioritization Air Force Materiel Command Sustainment Technology Process (STP) Prioritization HQ AFMC/A4 One Team Delivering Capabilities to Fly, Fight & Win…Today & Tomorrow
Purpose Background information for JTEG concerning AFMC Sustainment Technology Process (STP) prioritization
Overview Background AFMC STP Prioritization Process Example
Background Factors weighed in ranking AFMC projects Reduce weapon systems sustainment costs Improve capability/weapon system availability AFMC STP processes expected to evolve over coming years
Background AFMC solicited prioritization inputs AFLCMC: 38 technology projects; 10 gaps AFRL collaboration on multiple projects AFSC: 8 technology projects AFNWC: 2 technology projects AFMC/A4: 1 technology project AFMC Prioritized list of submitted technology projects Identified Gaps will be presented to AFRL for potential solutions
AFMC STP Prioritization Utilized template of AFMC POM Prioritization Model Expect prioritization to mature as STP processes mature Current Prioritization Criteria: Applicable to multiple weapon systems Cost Impact Cost avoidance, ROI Technology Deployment Clear path defined for deployment of technology Timeline Well defined, not unreasonably long Benefit Improved aircraft availability Compliance Added capability
Background - STP Execution AF Sustainment Technology Plan (non-space) Senior Leader Direction STP 10.0 Center Specific Technology Process STP 20.0 Compile Data Incorporating Centers’ Inputs STP 30.0 Command Enterprise Prioritization CFSP/ MAJCOMs/PEOs STP 40.0 Develop AF Sustainment Technology Plan STP 50.0 Approve AF Sustainment Technology Plan STP 60.0 Program/Fund, Execute, Field & Monitor Increase Aircraft Availability – Reduce Sustainment Costs Increase Sustainment Capability – Increase Accountability
AFMC STP Priorities 1 - Laser De-Paint Materials Characterization 2 - Robotic Coating Application for Multiple Weapon Sys 3 - Non-Chrome Coating Sys Field Evaluations 4 - Evaluate Additive Manufacturing 5 - Low Observable Robotic Laser Coating Removal Sys 6 - Robotic Paint Removal in Confined Spaces 7 - Non-Chrome Coating Testing 8 – Alternatives for Cd Repair 9 – Corrosion Sensors Evaluation 10 - Robotic Non Destructive Inspection (NDI) 11 - Rapid Technology Assessments 12 - Implement non-chrome surface adhesion promoter (PreKote) in CMXG 13 - Laser Surface Treatment Prior to Painting and Bonding 14 - Aircraft Wheel Laser De-Paint System 15 - Corrosion Removal Using Handheld Laser Sys
AFMC STP Priorities 16 - Assessment of Corrosion Mitigation from Dehumidification 17 - Universal Remote Corrosion Mitigation Kit (RCMK) 18 - Laser Additive Manufacturing (LAM) for Propulsion 19 - Evaluate Cold Spray Technology as a Repair Process 20 - Low Temperature Cure Powder Coatings 21 - Walkway Coating Enhancement 22 - Propulsion Enterprise - Automated Airfoil Inspection 23 - UV Curable Leading Edge Coatings 24 - Advance Existing UV Coating Projects with Enterprise Approach 25 – Complete Cr-Free Coating Sys for LHE Zinc-Nickel & Cr-Free Anodize Seals 26 - LifeMeter Extensions 27 - Alternative Mat'ls to Cu-Be for Landing Gear Bushing/Bearing Applications (an FY15 AFSC SBIR Topic) 28 - Trouble Shoot Tech, Rapidly Diagnose Failures in Complex Sys 29 - Alternative to N-Propyl Bromide in Vapor/Immersion Degreasing 30 - Aircraft Data Transfer Devices Win7 Migration
43 Projects, approx $80M (spread across FY15 - FY19) AFMC STP Priorities 31 - Adaptive Mobile Framework for Organic Military Purpose Apps 32 - High Flexibility Non-Chrome Primer 33 - Immersion and Sprayable Coating Removal Assessment 34 - Load Redistribution Methodology 35 - Multiple Site Damage Methodology 36 - Corona Analysis of High Voltage, High Frequency Sys 37 - Cargo Floor Robotic Ultrasonic Inspector 38 - Cyber Weapon Systems Federated Environment Manager 39 - Weld Repair of F119 First Stage Integrally Bladed Disk (IBD) Blades 40 - LAU-12X Full Rail Plasma Electrolytic Oxidation Coating 41 - Integrally Bladed Disk Sustainment 42 - Cyber Weapon Systems and Global Command and Control System Redundant Environmental Control 43 - High Altitude Breathing Sys 43 Projects, approx $80M (spread across FY15 - FY19)
Evaluate Cold Spray Technology as a Repair Process PROGRAM STATUS/DISCUSSION: Phase 1: ID potential areas for utilization of cold spray technology as a repair process. Phase 2: Demonstrate and validate technology for applicable processes Weapon systems impacted: Potential for all weapon systems. Benefit to the warfighter: Demonstrate/ validate a repair technology to could restore parts resulting in cost savings and overcoming diminishing suppliers of various parts. PROBLEM STATEMENT: Leverage current DoD demonstration and research efforts for applicable uses of cold spray technology SOLUTION Dem/Val Cold Spray Technology as a potential repair process. Project Requirement ($K) IMPACT IF APPROVED: Restore parts instead of disposing of them improving the availability of those parts, eliminating the need to dispose and re-order new parts; providing a restoration process for hard to procure parts, etc. IMPACT IF NOT APPROVED: Continued use of current practices. Description FY14 FY15 FY16 FY17 FY18 Demonstration/ Validation $750 Total Reqt POC: Mr. Omar Mendoza, AFMC/A4 Customer: AFSC/AFLCMC 11