University of Pennsylvania Creating and Sustaining Wharton’s Successful Transition & Empowerment Program (STEP) at the University of Pennsylvania Ufuoma C. Abiola, Ed.D., Associate Director & Lecturer Teran R. Tadal, M.S.Ed., Associate Director University of Pennsylvania Monday, March 5, 2018 Marriott Downtown, Salon I
The cause for institutional change Overview of the University of Pennsylvania Four undergraduate schools Wharton Undergraduate Division Cause for institutional change
The cause for institutional change Wharton Successful Transition & Empowerment Program (STEP) STEP promotes diversity, equity, and inclusion; and is designed to introduce underrepresented Wharton freshmen to important Wharton/Penn resources and help build skills to effectively navigate college academically and socially Four-day pre-orientation and first-year experience readiness program – including ongoing monthly community-building programming Upperclassmen and prior STEP participants serve as Peer Mentors 40 freshmen and 7 Peer Mentors attended in 2016 51 freshmen and 10 Peer Mentors attended in 2017
The cause for institutional change Wharton Successful Transition & Empowerment Program (STEP) Timeline Key stakeholders Curriculum development
The cause for institutional change Wharton STEP August 20-23, 2017 Schedule August 20: Move-In, STEP Ground Rules, & Social August 21: An Introduction to Wharton August 22: Welcoming & Fostering an Openness to Change: Academically, Personally, & Professionally August 23: Knowing the Locations of Penn’s Resources
The cause for institutional change Wharton Successful Transition & Empowerment Program (STEP) Ongoing monthly community-building programming for underrepresented students Increased cross-collaboration with Penn campus partners
The cause for institutional change Wharton Successful Transition & Empowerment Program (STEP) Successes Challenges Next steps
The cause for institutional change Wharton STEP 2018 Awards & Recognition STEP nationally recognized as the winner of the 2018 American College Personnel Association (ACPA) Outstanding Four-Year Institution Program/Initiative Award For STEP, Ufuoma C. Abiola and Teran R. Tadal won the 2018 ACPA Commission for Administrative Leadership Award for Excellence in Institutional Change
The cause for institutional change Activity Think about an institutional change initiative on your own campus to create Discuss best practices and strategies to develop a program/ initiative on your own campus What challenges do you foresee and how can you proactively problem-solve?
The cause for institutional change Questions & Answers The cause for institutional change
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