NEW PRAGUE HIGH SCHOOL TRAP TEAM Woody Glazer – 2017 MSHSL State Clay Target Champion Introductions Communications – primarily through e-mail
NEW PRAGUE HIGH SCHOOL TRAP TEAM GREETINGS AGENDA Team Season Cost Registration Process Required Equipment Volunteer Opportunities Introductions Communications – primarily through e-mail
NEW PRAGUE HIGH SCHOOL TRAP TEAM Eligible Students Coaches Volunteers Parents/Community
NEW PRAGUE HIGH SCHOOL TRAP TEAM Eligible Students Grades 7-12 Co-ed Firearm Safety Certificate Good academic standing (MSHSL standard applies) Lettering Requirements Team participation; and a league average of 18; an average of 20 at the MSHSCTL Class Championship; qualifying to participate in the MSHSL presenting partner tournament; or coach discretion.
NEW PRAGUE HIGH SCHOOL TRAP TEAM Coaches David Drill, Jake Jacobsen, Andy Simon, Bruce Simon, Curt Sticha, and Joe Glazer University of MN Shooters Volunteers Parents/Community
NEW PRAGUE HIGH SCHOOL TRAP TEAM SEASON Schedule Participating in MSHSCTL – April 7 – June 19 Club supplies 4 cases of ammo and targets Opportunities DriFire Training (limited) Optional Practice (about 2 cases) Class Championship – Alexandria, MN Location Special Events Schedule – A Calendar will be emailed when registration is complete Opportunities: This year the season will begin on Saturday March 3, 2018. Optional outdoor practice on Thursday and Saturday begins March 15th. First practice that team supplies ammo April 7th. Practice on Thursdays will be at the Minnesota Horse and Hunt club (beginning 5:30pm). There will be a limited offering for the DriFire training program to increase reps and refine technique (February 1st - March 5th; price tbd). There will be optional outdoor practice throughout the season (a total opportunity of 30 rounds). Club will pay the cost of targets but you must supply your own ammo for these practices. The club will be selling ammo at its cost for these optional practices. Beginning April 7th the team will participate in the MSHSCTL virtual competition. League scores may be shot on Thursday or Saturday at H&H but must be declared before shooting. Saturdays at the MN Horse & Hunt Club will be the team’s primary day to shoot league scores, but to offer flexibility and accommodate the team, Thursday will be an option to shoot league (with approval from coach). There will be a few Saturdays when a subgroup from the team will compete head-to-head against other teams. On that weekend the subgroup may need to shoot their league score on Thursday.
NEW PRAGUE HIGH SCHOOL TRAP TEAM DATES TO REMEMBER Feb – March?: optional indoor DriFire training (limited space) February ?? – Community Service: Roadway cleanup Feb. 26 – Kick Off season Dinner – NPHS café commons March 3 and 10: indoor practice – New Prague Community Center March 15: Last day to register for participation on team March 15 – March 31: optional outdoor practice (TH and SA) for registered athletes April 19 - May 26: Thursday practice and MSHSCTL Saturday competition May 31 – June 9: preparation for State Class Championship June 11 – 19: MSHSCTL State Class Championships June 23: MSHSL presenting partner tournament
NEW PRAGUE HIGH SCHOOL TRAP TEAM COST Estimated Budget – exceeds $45,000 Participation Fee ($250) Fundraising Expectations ($400 per family) Sponsorship / Donations (need at least $10K)
NEW PRAGUE HIGH SCHOOL TRAP TEAM Estimated Budget Exceeds $650 per athlete Fees Targets Ammo Equipment Apparel Fees - $60 Targets - $370 max per athlete Ammo - $260 Apparel - $40 Equipment - $50 Misc. fees and expenses - $30 Total = $810
NEW PRAGUE HIGH SCHOOL TRAP TEAM FUNDRAISING EXPECTATION Raffle Each Family is required to sell $400 worth of raffle tickets Raffle Incentive Top 5 selling Families receive a $100 Cabelas Gift card Fees - $60 Targets - $370 max per athlete Ammo - $260 Apparel - $40 Equipment - $50 Misc. fees and expenses - $30
NEW PRAGUE HIGH SCHOOL TRAP TEAM 2017 SPONSORS and DONORS Anonymous families US Charitable Gift Trust Designed Glass Riverfront Printing Travel Leaders Tupy Insurance Agency, Inc BTD M&J Trucking Franek Incorporated Non-Profit Sponsors NWTE Sand Creek Gray Beards New Prague Community Sportsmans Club Pheasants Forever LeSueur County Chapter Benevity Community Impact Fund Gold Designed Glass 1000 Quality Mold, Inc. 500 Silver Mulroy Auto Body 300 Bronze Keystone Automotive 100 Miller Towing 100 Interstate All Battery -Lacount Sales 100 Non-Profit Sponsors Sand Creek Gray Beards 750 New Prague Sportsmans Club 750 LeSeuer County Pheasants Forever 450
NEW PRAGUE HIGH SCHOOL TRAP TEAM REGISTRATION PROCESS Timing Begins tonight Process 3 steps Deadlines Prefer all registrations by kick off dinner No later than March 15 Starts tonight 3 step process Prefer to be registered before banquet
NEW PRAGUE HIGH SCHOOL TRAP TEAM Registration with NPHS Login to: HS and MS Clay Target Club Complete required fields
NEW PRAGUE HIGH SCHOOL TRAP TEAM Registration with MSHSCTL Sportsngine link
NEW PRAGUE HIGH SCHOOL TRAP TEAM REGISTRATION FORM AND FEE Step 3 Form requires preferred shooting time Form and fee submitted to activities office Deadline – March 15 NO EXCEPTIONS
NEW PRAGUE HIGH SCHOOL TRAP TEAM REQUIRED EQUIPMENT 12 gauge shotgun shell catcher for automatics Eyes - safety protection Ears - safety protection Hat - baseball style bill preferred Shell box holder (pouch or vest or clip, etc.)
NEW PRAGUE HIGH SCHOOL TRAP TEAM VOLUNTEERS Range Safety Officers (RSOs) Kick Off Dinner Picnic Apparel Fundraising
NEW PRAGUE HIGH SCHOOL TRAP TEAM SIGN UP SHEETS Volunteers RSOs Kick Off Dinner Picnic Apparel Fundraising DriFire Training: Feb – March Optional Practice Ammo Those not on email distribution
NEW PRAGUE HIGH SCHOOL TRAP TEAM PROLOGUE The New Prague High School Trap Team is organized and supported by the New Prague Clay Target Club. The New Prague Clay Target Club is a non profit Minnesota corporation recognized by the IRS as a 501(c)(3) public charity. A purpose of the New Prague Clay Target Club is to provide a safe, positive, and supportive educational-athletic organization that exists to introduce school-age youth to clay target sports and to facilitate their continued involvement by providing, promoting, and perpetuating opportunities to safely and enjoyably participate and compete in a high-quality, team-based sport led by trained adult coaches focused on enhancing the personal growth and development of their athletes. The New Prague Clay Target Club recognizes that the New Prague Trap Team will include participants new to the sport, participants that join the team as a recreational activity and other participants that desire to be competitive in this sport. Some participants may only desire to shoot practice or league once per week while other participants may want to participate in several practices and competition each week. ALL STUDENT ATHLETES ARE IMPORTANT TO THIS TEAM!