Where do we hear Scottish music? Ceilidhs Concerts (Celtic Connections, music festivals etc) Film/TV (Hogmanay show, Brave, Braveheart) Radio
Accordion The accordion is often found in ceilidh bands and folk music. Sound is produced by squeezing air through the bellows. Different notes are played by pressing down piano keys on the right and buttons on the left. Accordion Trio
Accordion Can play melody and accompaniment. Often used in a Scottish dance band. Can play a vamp accompaniment. Accordion Trio
Vamp A vamp uses a bass note (the first, third or fifth notes of the chord in the left hand), alternating with a chord in the right hand, creating an ‘oom-pah, oom-pah’ style accompaniment.
Clarsach Gaelic word meaning small harp Sound is produced by plucking the strings. These instruments have featured in Scottish history from as early as the eighth and ninth centuries Playing the harp was a noble profession during these times, and the Clan chiefs of the Highlands employed harpers to compose tunes and songs for them. Clarsach
Fiddle Scottish name for a violin. A bow is pulled across the strings to create a sound. The fiddle has 4 strings The fiddle can be found in ceilidh bands, celtic rock groups and fiddle orchestras Fiddle
Fiddle The same instrument as a violin. The style of playing and music played are what makes it different. Often plays the melody.
Bagpipes Sound is produced by blowing into a bag held under the arm. Different notes are produced by moving the fingers on the chanter. The drones produce a constant held note. Bagpipes are often found in pipe bands and celtic rock music. Red Hot Chili Pipers
Bagpipes Drones are the accompaniment. Chanter plays the melody. Ornaments used to decorate the melody (grace notes).
Piano Acoustic guitar Double bass Drum kit
Folk Group A folk group is a group of singers and musicians who perform traditional music from a particular country. Scottish folk music instruments might include fiddle, whistle, guitar, accordion and pipes.
Scottish Dance Band A band which plays Scottish music for people to dance to. The instruments may include fiddle, accordion, piano and drums.
Scottish Dance Band Scottish Dance Bands can often be heard playing at ceilidhs, where people dance traditional Scottish dances.
Celtic Rock This style of music is a mixture of traditional Celtic music and Rock music. Instruments used are a mixture of traditional Rock instruments and Traditional Scottish instruments.
Music to dance to The Scots people have been dancing since the dawn of history. Dances originating as far away as China were brought to Scotland by way of Merchants and were developed and incorporated into the Highland way of life. There are many diverse Scottish dances but some of the most commonly heard nowadays are: REEL WALTZ MARCH
How would you describe the tempo??? Waltz 3 beats in the bar. The first beat of the bar is strongly accented. The tempo can be fast or slow. Used to dance a St. Bernards’ waltz at a ceilidh. To learn more about a Waltz listen to the ‘Skye Boat Song’. How would you describe the tempo??? Adagio or Allegro?
Reel A lively dance with a fast tempo. In simple time. To learn more about a Reel watch this video of the ‘Dashing White Sergeant’. You can tell if you are listening to a Reel by saying ‘really simple really simple’ with the music.
March Has a steady tempo – at marching speed. Accented beats on 1 and 3. To learn more about a March listen to ‘Scotland the brave’.
Pentatonic scale A pentatonic scale is a sequence of five notes which are heard in ascending or descending order. As well as in Scotland, many different genres of music around the world have used the pentatonic scale as a basis for their melodies, including West African music, Greek traditional music, Chinese music and impressionist composers such as Claude Débussy.
Pentatonic scale The melodies to the well known Scottish songs ‘Auld Lang Syne’ and ‘Skye Boat Song’ are based around notes taken from the pentatonic scale:
Pentatonic Scale The Aberdonian singer-songwriter Emeli Sandé based her song ‘Suitcase’ on pentatonic notes. Listen to the chorus, which contains a repeated ascending pentatonic scale in lines 1, 2, 4 and 5: My baby’s got a suitcase. He’s telling me it’s too late But don’t nobody, please don’t ask me why. Cause all I did was love him But I can’t stop him walking My baby’s got a suitcase but please don’t ask me why.
Drone Bagpipes consist of an air supply, a bag, a chanter and usually a drone. A drone is a note or chord which is continuously sounded throughout much or all of a piece, being sustained or repeated. Most bagpipes have more than one drone – the one pictured has three.
Grace Notes Bagpipe music includes grace notes, which are short, extra notes to ornament the main melody. Can you work out which Scottish tune the main notes create below?
Robert Burns (1759 – 1796)
Robert Burns Born in Alloway. He wrote hundreds of poems and songs. He also worked as a farmer and an exciseman. Burns Night is celebrated across the world on his birthday, 25th January.
Tam o’ Shanter One of Burns’ most famous poems, written in 1790. Most famously set to music by English composer Malcolm Arnold in 1955. Tells the story of Tam’s eventful ride home one stormy night.
Tam o’ Shanter When chapmen billies leave the street, And drouthy neibors, neibors meet, As market days are wearing late, An' folk begin to tak the gate; While we sit bousing at the nappy, And getting fou and unco happy, We think na on the lang Scots miles, The mosses, waters, slaps, and styles, That lie between us and our hame, Where sits our sulky sullen dame. Gathering her brows like gathering storm, Nursing her wrath to keep it warm.
Tam o’ Shanter The wind blew as 'twad blawn its last; The rattling showers rose on the blast; The speedy gleams the darkness swallow'd Loud, deep, and lang, the thunder bellow'd: That night, a child might understand, The Deil had business on his hand.
Tam o’ Shanter Warlocks and witches in a dance; Nae cotillion brent-new frae France, But hornpipes, jigs strathspeys, and reels, Put life and mettle in their heels. A winnock-bunker in the east, There sat auld Nick, in shape o' beast; A towzie tyke, black, grim, and large, To gie them music was his charge: He scre'd the pipes and gart them skirl, Till roof and rafters a' did dirl.
Tam o’ Shanter Now, do thy speedy utmost, Meg, And win the key-stane o' the brig; There at them thou thy tail may toss, A running stream they dare na cross. But ere the key-stane she could make, The fient a tail she had to shake! For Nannie, far before the rest, Hard upon noble Maggie prest, And flew at Tam wi' furious ettle; But little wist she Maggie's mettle - Ae spring brought off her master hale, But left behind her ain gray tail; The carlin claught her by the rump, And left poor Maggie scarce a stump.
Tam o’ Shanter – Malcolm Arnold Listen to the start of Malcolm Arnold’s piece based on the poem. How does he depict the story? Think about: What instruments are used? How does the music make you feel? How do we know there is a storm coming? How do we know Tam is drunk? Can we tell where this story takes place?
Tam o’ Shanter – Malcolm Arnold Did you think it sounded Scottish? Clarinets played long notes like drones on the bagpipes. Flute played a Scottish sounding melody (tune). Used ‘Scotch snaps’. Did you think the strings sounded eerie?
Tam o’ Shanter – Malcolm Arnold What made us think of the storm brewing? Crescendos and diminuendos (getting louder and quieter). ‘Clashing’ notes in the brass section (discords). Lots of percussion: drum rolls, cymbal crashes…
Tam o’ Shanter – Malcolm Arnold How did we know Tam had been to the pub? Drunken sounding trombone solo. ‘Slides’ or glissandos in the trombone and bassoon parts.
Tam o’ Shanter – Malcolm Arnold In groups, think about how you would depict a verse of the poem. What instruments would you use and why? Would the music be fast or slow? Would it be loud or quiet? Would there be a melody (tune) or would it all be effects?
Group task In groups, think about how you would depict a verse of the poem. What instruments would you use and why? Would the music be fast or slow? Would it be loud or quiet? Would there be a melody (tune) or would it all be effects? You might want to use the keyboards to try out your ideas.
Storm Wind Thunder Rain Darkness
Witches dancing Warlocks and witches Scottish dances The Devil Bagpipes
Tam & Meg’s escape Meg runs very fast Running water One witch is faster than the rest Meg loses her tail
How did we compare? What did you like about yours? What did you like about Malcolm Arnold’s? Would you do anything differently next time?
End of topic assessment Read each question carefully. Listen to the music. Make sure you tick the correct number of boxes.