Civilizations of Middle America
The Land Bridge 30,000 years ago humans migrated to America from Asia (Paleolithic Era) across the Bering Strait
Global Warming 10,000 years ago the land bridge melted
Agricultural Revolution The peoples of the Americas learned to farm and domesticate animals
Limited Growth They had no horses or oxen to bear heavy loads or pull wagons Some areas did have Llamas
The Olmecs Lasted from about 1400 BC to 500 BC
Tombs and Temples The Olmecs had a powerful class of priests and aristocrats
Lack of Cities They had no true cities but ceremonial centers where the people would gather to attend religious ceremonies
Stone Heads The ruins of 40-ton stone heads were found at a religious center at La Venta
Mystery Archeologists have no theories how the Olmecs moved the stone from the distant quarries without wheeled vehicles or draft animals
Influence The Olmecs heavily influenced later American Civilizations: Art Calendar Religion
The Mayans 300 - 900
City-States Each with its own ruler
Farming in the Rainforest Cleared dense forests and built raised fields and channels to drain excess water
Pyramids Served as temples and burial places Were the tallest buildings in America until the skyscrapers in NYC (1903)
Trade Exchanged honey, cocoa, cotton cloth, and feathers across roads of packed earth
Social Classes Ruling chief Nobles Priests Farmers
Farmers Grew corn, beans and squash
Advances Hieroglyphic writing system 365 day calendar Concept of zero Written in bark books, most burned by Europeans when they arrived 365 day calendar Concept of zero
Decline Around 900 the Mayans abandoned their cities Why?
Aztec 1200s to 1519
Lake Texcoco Settled around the lake and began to build a capital city
Teotihuacan (tay oh tee wah KAHN) Had well planned wide roads massive temples Large apartment buildings
Pyramid of the Sun
Pyramid of the Moon
Chinampas Artificial islands made of earth piled on reed mats anchored to the shallow lake bed.
Conquest The Aztecs took over surrounding villages and forced the people to pay tribute and sacrificed their young daughters to the God of War
By 1500 it is estimated the Empire numbered about 30 million people Aztec Empire By 1500 it is estimated the Empire numbered about 30 million people
Emperor Chosen by a council of nobles and priests
Social Structure Emperor Nobles Warriors Farmers Slaves
(wee tsee loh POHKT lee) Huitzilopochtli (wee tsee loh POHKT lee) Chief Aztec god that battled the forces of darkness every night. Human sacrifices strengthened his power
Advances Writing system Calendar Medicines Set broken bones Treat dental cavities