Hazard, Vulnerability and Capacity Analysis George.V.J Deputy Director Disaster Management Institute Bhopal
Objective Describe the nature and behaviour of several hazard types. Explain the process of hazard assessment at the district level To understand process of assessing disaster vulnerability To understand the concept of capacity and various tools that are used to assess the same for district disaster management planning
Hazard Hazard is an event or occurrence that has the potential for causing injuries to life and damaging property and the environment
Purpose of Hazard Assessment The purpose of hazard assessment is to specify the nature and behaviour of the potential hazards and threats people face
Major Hazards known from MP Prespective Earthquakes Floods Epidemics Industrial Hazard Drought Hailstorm Pest Attach Conflicts
Possibility of New Hazards Climate change Economic Situation Industrialization Social unrest New forms of Epidemics –AIDS, Bird flue etc.
One hazard Causing a secondary Hazard Floods: epidemics, snake bite. Drought: Epidemics, famine Earthquake: Landslides, industrial disasters Civil war: Refugees, displacement, epidemics
Factors to consider in understaning the nature and behaviour of hazards Origin Factor/s which create, result in hazard. Can be natural or man-made Warning signs and signals Scientific &indigenous indicators that hazard is likely to occur Forewarning Time gap between warning signs and the impact of hazard.
Factors to consider in understanding the nature and behaviour of hazards Force: factors that make the power of hazards, e.g. intensity and magnitude of an earthquake. Speed of onset Rapidity of arrival and impact Frequency Time related patterns of occurrence of hazards
Factors to consider in understanding the nature and behaviour of hazards Seasonality: Occurrence of a hazard in a particular time of the year. Duration: Hazard’s presence in a time scale.
Hazard Matrix Hazard type Origin Warning signs Forewarning Speed of onset Frequency Seasonality Duration Flood Rain river overflow Rainfall duration, intensity, quantity, speed of wind, temperature, movement of animals etc. Relatively short but can vary from a few hours to few days Can often be predicted a few days in advance Seasonal Wet/monsoon season Days/weeks
Origin or causes of Hazard Hazards Origin/causes Floods River and coastal rising of water due to intense rainfall Drought Rainfall deficit over long time periods Epidemic Rise in parasitic infections due to exposure to toxin Earthquake Shaking of earth by the waves below the earth’s surface
Some important points to consider in Hazard Assessment Look at scientific and statistical data Approach other knowledgeable sources/people Understand the various intensities of the same hazard.
Tools for Hazard Assessment Hazard Map Historical profile Seasonal calendar
Vulnerability Assessment Vulnerability is a set of prevailing or consequential conditions which adversely affect people’s ability to prevent, mitigate, prepare for and respond to hazardous events Identifying what elements are at risk and why (root causes)
Types of vulnerability Physical/ material Social/organisational Attitudinal/motivational Tools Social Mapping Resource Mapping Gender Analysis Secondary data.
Capacity Assessment Capacities are strengthens and resources which are present in individuals, households and the community/sub-divisional/ district level which enable them to prevent, mitigate, prepare for cope with or quickly recover from a disaster
Categories of capacities Physical/Material Cash, land, tools, food, Access to Credit. Social/ organisational Social Network, extended family, local and state level welfare institutions Attitudinal/Motivational Sense of control, power, capabilities etc.
Understanding people’s previous experiences with hazards that enabled them to develop coping strategies. Analyzing which resources are available and used by the community to reduce risk, who has access to these resources and who controls them. Through capacity assessment, the community’s coping strategies and resources, which are available for disaster preparedness, mitigation and prevention are identified.
Tools for capacity Assessment Social Mapping Resource Mapping Gendered Resource Mapping Wealth Ranking etc.