2a. Number and percentage of construction establishments and employees, by establishment size, 2012 (With payroll) Establishment size Number of % of all Number % of all (number of employees) establishments establishments of employees employees 1 to 9 484,866 81.1% 1,409,984 24.9% 10 to 19 58,731 9.8% 805,819 14.2% 20 to 99 48,151 8.1% 1,868,325 33.0% 100 to 499 5,866 1.0% 1,069,382 18.9% 500 or more 452 0.1% 516,112 9.1% Total 598,065 100.0% 5,669,623 100.0%
2b. Number of construction establishments, 1977-2012 (With payroll)
2c. Number of construction employees, 1977-2012 (With payroll)