3a. Number and percentage of construction establishments and employees, by establishment size, 2002 (Payroll establishments) Establishment size Number of % of all Total number % of all (number of employees) establishments establishments of employees employees 1 to 9 562,457 79.19% 1,756,859 24.42% 10 to 19 78,917 11.11% 1,046,853 14.55% 20 to 99 60,274 8.49% 2,316,454 32.20% 100 to 499 8,074 1.14% 1,465,900 20.38% 500 or more 585 0.08% 607,004 8.44% Total 710,307 100.00% 7,193,069 100.00%
3b. Number of establishments in selected construction industries, 2002 (With and without payroll) 748 (84.0%) 574 (70.1%) 488 (87.2%) 373 (70.6%) 198 (55.6%) 165 (61.9%) 103 (61.1%) 35 (76.0%) 26 (24.4%) 18 (36.6%) 16 (61.5%)
3c. Dollar value produced, by selected construction industry, 2002 (Without payroll)
3d. Nonemployer establishments as a percentage of all construction establishments, by state, 2002