Hewlett-Packard (HP) Dmitri Rueger
Strengths Ultrabooks Laptops Beats by Dre, incorporated into laptop Accesibility Printers Brand Name Successful Strategic Acquisition Weakness Tablet market Poor innovator Viruses Other security networks implemented Not in mobile market Desktops Weak market segment integration Opportunities Presence in cloud computing market Expanding portfolio of imaging and printing solutions Launched several retail photo printing solutions and services Threats Projected to decrease in IT market Hyper Competitive environment Slacking with Tablets Competitors
Strengths HP made a big hit in the market in 2010, they made good products and included the up and coming headphones called Beats by Dre and incorporated them into the laptop which made sales go up including the advances in the laptop. They also got into the Ultrabook market and have kept innovating. But above all else their printers are their bread and butter.
Weaknesses are characterized by the things the company itself is doing wrong. It is internal, and is something that needs to be dealt with accordingly. The weaknesses for HP are things like being a poor innovator, viruses and not being too into the tablet market. Also it has a weak market segmentation integration that will not help it against big companies like apple. Weakness
Opportunities are a great advantage that a company can have over the market. These opportunities are really external and are trends that a company needs to find and implement into their own companies services. Ultrabooks, Presence in cloud computing market, Expanding portfolio of imaging and printing solutions, Launched several retail photo printing solutions and services are all great opportunities for HP to compete in the big market. Opportunities
Threats Threats are external situations that a company must take care of or they will effect the company harshly. Threats are usually good things being down by other companies or trends that a company is not aware of. Projected to decrease in IT market, Hyper Competitive environment, Slacking with Tablets, and Competitors are all threats that HP needs to cut down on if they hope to truly have a share in the rising technology market.
Conclusion HP is doing fine at the moment. It’s laptops and ultrabooks are selling and is growing in the laptop market. They are a far way from competing with apple but is growing and with more innovating can become very big.