Cullompton Neighbourhood Plan Workshop on the Garden Village Initiative Maximising the benefits to Cullompton 22nd March 2017 Facilitated by Hannah Hickman
Event purpose and outcomes Opportunity to hear about the latest on the CGVI Come together to discuss HOW the NP should articulate its support To shape recommendations on the policy in the NP on the masterplanning of the Cullompton GVI How? Questionnaire (hand in at coffee time) Post it note map Workshop discussion and feedback
Workshop Timings 9.30 Welcome 9.40 Presentation on the Garden Village Initiative 10.00 Presentation on the Cullompton Neighbourhood Plan 10.15 Presentation by students from Cullompton Community College 10.25 Outline of workshop and agreement of key principles 10.30 Workshop 1 - Principles 11:10 Feedback from workshop 1 11.20 Coffee Break 11.40 Workshop 2 – Priorities 12.20 Feedback from workshop 2 12.30 Prioritising and ascertaining level of agreement … 12.45 Summing up and next steps
Workshop outline - themes and focus Groupings and nominated leads Workshop 1 – Principles Expression of opportunity, principles of development, and communication Workshop 2 – Priorities by themes within the Neighbourhood Plan Town Centre and Retail Local Economy and Jobs Heritage and Culture Natural and Rural Environment Sport and Recreation Housing Roads, Traffic and Parking Travel (including public transport, walking and cycling) Community Services and Facilities
Workshop outline – key principles Feedback Positive engagement Enabling everyone to have a chance to speak and without interruption Listening Valuing all ideas and opinions
Plenary discussion – some thoughts for consideration Language Is the Garden Village Initiative the right language or would you prefer an alternative term, such as ‘Garden Suburb’. How would you like to see the NP express its support for the GCVI, e.g. ‘In principle support, subject to a masterplan …’ ‘Emphatic support: an opportunity to address the existing communities’ needs …’, The masterplan for the CGVI should …
Next steps Review of feedback Workshop write up Discussion by steering group Draft policy on the CGVI prepared NP put forward for consultation and scrutiny.