WP2. Excellent university for the researchers Centre for research capability and development, Coventry University WP3. Excellent researchers for the community REF – Research Excellence Framework, UK Prof Dobrila Petrovic, Coventry University 2nd Steering Committee Meeting 2nd Quality Assurance Committee meeting University of Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina, 6-7th November, 2017
Centre for research capability and development, Coventry University Established in April, 2017 Delivery of doctoral programmes Development support for researchers Professional training Workshops On line resources Activity-based learning
Researcher Development Programmes Four key areas: Research communication Research funding and policy Research impact and engagement Research leadership and careers
Early career researchers Research communication Research posters, journal publications, conference papers, presentations Research funding and policy How funding schemes work, where research funding priorities lie, research ethics, impact, team-working, time, project management Research impact and engagement Open research agenda, public engagement, knowledge transfer and Intellectual Property Research careers and leadership Research integrity, issues of equality and diversity, resilience
Middle career researchers Research communication Research posters, journal publications, conference papers, presentations Research funding and policy Longer, larger and more complex projects Collaborative, international and interdisciplinary research projects Research impact and engagement Team-based approaches to delivering impact Research careers and leadership Developing an effective research strategy and career plan
Mentoring - At another University (in the UK and/or overseas) - Within the same broad research area or in a specific field - Within a different research area, who uses the same methodological approach or techniques
On line resources Internal resources External resources - research career planning, - research communication skills, - research ethics, - research impact, - research integrity, - research methods, - research supervision. External resources Coventry University is a member of Vitae
The Vitae Researcher Development Framework Domain A: Knowledge and intellectual abilities: The knowledge, intellectual abilities and techniques to do research Domain B: Personal effectiveness: The personal qualities and approach to be an effective researcher Domain C: Research governance and organisation: Knowledge of the professional standards and requirements to do research Domain D: Engagement, influence and impact: The knowledge and skills to work with others to ensure the wider impact of research
Events to support researchers’ development Research Seminars The series is an opportunity for staff and students to come together, to broaden their networks and to hear about the research expertise across the Faculty. Research Career Planning The session is designed to give you some guidance and support on planning your research career. It’s aimed specifically at ECR’s and PGR’s. Shut Up & Write The sessions are open to everyone, and are designed to provide you with some time, away from your other commitments, to allow you to think about your research and spend time writing in a comfortable, quiet environment. Writing for Computer Science and Engineering (1 week, full-time) The module is aimed at PhD and MPhil students (in all stages). It is taught in an intensive 1 week, full-time workshop format. The writing skills needed for computer science and engineering differ somewhat from those needed in other disciplines.
What is REF – Research Evaluation Framework? REF is an assessment of UK universities’ research – 2014, 2008, 2001… Next REF scheduled for 2021 In REF2014, universities submitted their research in one or more of 36 areas of research, or ‘Units of Assessment’ Coventry University submitted to nine UoAs
What is assessed? Each UoA is assessed in three areas: Quality of ‘outputs’ e.g. journal publications, monographs, artistic works 65% in 2014 Impact Non-academic benefit of research 20% in 2014 Research environment e.g. PhD completions, quality of research facilities, research income, research influence as seen by, for example, editorship of journals, visiting professorship 15% in 2014
REF scoring In REF terms, something that is: 4* is world-leading 3* is internationally excellent 2* is internationally recognised 1* is nationally recognised Below 1*, is unclassified Overall score of CU in 2014 2.67 Ranked 75 of 128
HEFCE - Higher Education Funding Council for England initial decisions for REF2021 Environment Environment to still account for 15% of total score Will be expanded to include sections on interdisciplinary research, collaboration, open access and equality and diversity Units of Assessment Restructuring of some UoAs / change in UoA numbers There will be a single UoA for Engineering Assessment The same five-point scale used for scoring in REF2014 will remain (U-4*) Metrics and citation data may be used to inform assessment of outputs
Still to be decided… Staff eligibility criteria / definition of ‘significant responsibility for research’ Number of outputs and case studies required Portability of outputs
What is research impact? An effect, change or benefit to PROCESSES, PLACES,PEOPLE
What is research impact? Improved risk management A social enterprise has been created Changes to legislation or regulations Enhanced technical standards or protocols Jobs have been created or protected A new product has been commercialised
Highest scoring case studies 2* Clear and compelling narrative, linking the research to the claimed impact, i.e. no disjoint between impact and underpinning research Verifiable evidence (qualitative or quantitative) to support the claimed impact Where appropriate, spread of the impact beyond the immediate beneficiaries to a much broader and possibly global audience Demonstrates that the distinction between dissemination and impact has been understood Knowledge transfer