Science - Year 3/4A Spring 1 Living Things and their Habitats A World of Living Things Session 6 Plenary PowerPoint © Original resource copyright Hamilton Trust, who give permission for it to be adapted as wished by individual users. We refer you to our warning, at the foot of the block overview, about links to other websites.
Congratulations! You are an expert on living things and how to classify them
You have made an amazing interactive book that shows many of the different groups of plants and animals in the world. But a good book needs an eye-catching cover. Over the next few days when you have a spare moment, design a cover for your book. It will need a title and don’t forget to say who the author is!
It’s a good idea to write your title faintly in pencil first so you can check the layout and spelling. Then use coloured pens or crayons to make it bold and illustrate it.
You can put a neat strip of insulation tape down the spine to tidy it up. Your finished book will now be ready to share with some readers!