The Story of Bread takes the children through the cycle of harvesting the wheat, taking it to the mill to grind it into flour, baking bread in the bakery and bringing it to the shops. Focus on discussion about the different forms of energy involved in getting the bread from the fields to the shops.
Harvesting the wheat Questions to promote discussion: Describe what you see in the picture? What is the red machine called? (combine harvester) What is the red machine doing? (cutting the wheat) What else does the combine do? (separates the grain) What are the farmers doing? Why are they putting the grain into the trailers? Will they leave the grain in the trailers? Where do the farmers get their energy to work? Where does the tractor get the energy to move? Where does the combine get its energy? What helped the wheat to grow? Is it a hot or a cold day? How do you know? Is this important for the farmers? Could they cut the wheat on a wet day?
Collecting the grain Questions to promote discussion: Describe what you see in the picture? What are the farmers doing? Why did they put the grain into the sacks? Will they leave the grain in the sacks on the trailers? How does the trailer move? Do the farmers and the tractor get energy from the same source? Is it a hot or a cold day? How do you know? Is the weather important for the farmers? Could they gather the grain on a wet day? Why are the farmers wearing caps?
The flour mill Questions to promote discussion: Describe what you see in the picture? What is this building called? (flour mill) What happens at the flour mill? (wheat grain is ground into flour) What are the farmers doing? Why are they putting the sacks of grain onto the belt? What happens to the sacks when they go into the flour mill? Why are the men using a trolley? Where does the conveyor belt get its energy to work? What else uses electrical energy in the flour mill?
Taking the grain from the sacks Questions to promote discussion: Describe what you see in the picture? Where is this taking place? (flour mill) Where did all the grain come from? Who brought all the sacks of grain to the mill? Where did the farmers get the grain? Where does this machine get its energy to work? What will happen to the grain now? (ground into flour) What will the people in the flour mill do with the flour? Where will they send it? Into what will they put it? Why will they send it to the bakery?
The bakery Questions to promote discussion: Describe what you see in the picture? What is this building called? (bakery) What happens at the bakery? How many machines do you see in the picture? Who do you see in the picture? What is the baker doing? What did the baker use to make the dough? Where do these big machines get their energy? What else uses electrical energy in the flour mill? What do you see on the shelves? Where did all the bread come from? What will the baker do with the bread? Where does the baker get his energy?
The ovens Questions to promote discussion: Describe what you see in the picture? What is this equipment called? (oven) What happens in the oven? How does the oven bake the bread? How many ovens do you see in the picture? Who put the bread into the ovens? What did the baker use to make the dough? Where does the oven get its energy? How many loaves do you see? What other kind of bread do you see? (baguette) What will the baker do next with the bread?
Wrapping the bread Questions to promote discussion: Describe what you see in the picture? What does this machine do? In which direction is the machine belt moving? How do you know? What do the rollers do? What is the orange paper used for? Where did the baker get the paper? Was energy used in making the paper? What kind of energy was used? What is the difference between the loaves going in and the loaves coming out? Where does this machine get its energy? What else uses electrical energy in the flour mill? What will the baker do with the wrapped loaves?
The bread ends its journey and arrives at the shop Questions to promote discussion: Describe what you see in the picture? Who is the person inside the shop? Is this the house in which he/she lives? What do you see outside the shop? What did the van deliver to the shop? What will happen to the bread now? What else does the shop sell? Does the shop use energy? How does it use energy? What kind of energy does it use? What will the baker do with the bread?
Vocabulary associated with the story of bread Labels for each image are hidden behind the baguette.
Pictures with labels
The Story of Bread Re-order the images to tell the story Allow for class discussion to re-order the images to tell the story of bread. Questions: What happened first? What did the farmer do with the crop he had sown? Did he cut it by hand? What was the name of the machine that cut the wheat? How did the farmers gather the grain in the field? To where did they take the grain? What happened at the flour mill? Where did the flour mill send the flour? What happened at the bakery? What did the bakery do with all the bread they baked?
Images sequenced correctly
Quiz time: The quiz questions on the following pages are in multiple choice format with 3 optional answers. They can be completed as paired or small group activities allowing for talk and discussion or on an individual basis. Suggestion: Each child/group has cards / key-ring / fan with numbers to hold up for the correct answer.
2 correct answers: Trailer Tractor
Answer: wheat
Answer: flour
Answer: chocolate