Part 4 – When Your Relationship With God Becomes Questionable STUDY OF THE BOOK OF JOB Part 4 – When Your Relationship With God Becomes Questionable
Study of the book of Job Job Speaks – Chapter 3 INTRODUCTION To understand, respect or appreciate what Job says, you have to understand his life experiences. Healthy relationship with God, Good health, Personal life, Family life, Accumulation of wealth: Staff (servants), livestock, and Longtime friends.
Study of the book of Job In a short period of time, through no fault of his (Job’s)own. He lost Wealth Family Health Respect toward his relationship with God from his wife
Study of the book of Job He expresses regret that he was born. It is important to know that it is easy to speak about things that you have no control of. Especially when you are in pain and confusion. v. 3-7 Jobs wants to die, but he does not want to kill himself. v. 8-15 Job mentions what most feel when they are experiencing despair….No one is going through anything close to this but me. Job considers death freedom from pain only, because that is what he is experiencing. v. 16-26
Study of the book of Job Notice the Paradox: Satan says that God has Job “hedged in” – Job 1:10 Job says that God has “hedged him in” – Job 3:23 TRUTH The toughest thing to do in the midst of your pain and confusion is to trust God! But trust we must!
Study of the book of Job Chapters 4 and 5 - “save me from my friends” Eliphaz (EL-EH-FAZ) the Termanite Tells Job what he already knows first – 4:1-4 Tells Job what he (Eliphaz) thinks he knows next – beginning at verse 5
Study of the book of Job The Presumption of Eliphaz (those whom we consider our friends) That Job is not as righteous as people first thought. v. 5, 6 That God only punishes this wicked, you are being punished, therefore God is punishing you and you are wicked. V. 7-11
Study of the book of Job Every “Spirit” is not “Holy” and every vision is not from God! Eliphaz says that he has a vision or a visit that tells him: No man is “more righteous than God….” verse 12-17 He (Eliphaz) feels that God has no respect for humanity, especially when humanity does wrong. Verses 18-21 THIS IS BAD THEOLOGY!
Study of the book of Job Eliphaz continues in chapter 5 to present his position to Job that Job is being punished by God and there is nothing that he can do about it. You can not defend your position against God because there is no mediator. 5:1 Eliphaz attempts to give Job examples that may fit his (Job”s) situation. 5:2-7
Study of the book of Job Eliphaz tells Job what most people tell us when we are experiencing difficulties that we can not explain and do not want to accept. “If I were you I would go to God…” 5:8-27 People who do not know what you know, will always attempt to tell you what they think you do not know. v. 17, 19, 20