Website Redesign Presented BY: Lauren Hendricks Moriah Richards Marketing Manager Digital Projects
INTRODUCTION Considerations for a website redesign – Does my bank need a complete redesign? How do we complete a redesign? Results – What can be achieved through a redesign?
REDESIGN CONSIDERATIONS Customer Demographics & Behaviors - Current customers - Prospective customers - Consumer behaviors - Consumer expectations
REDESIGN CONSIDERATIONS Design & Branding Content - Quantity - Quality - Type
REDESIGN CONSIDERATIONS Site Structure - Homepage - Number of Pages - Attention & Focus - Mobile Responsiveness - Analytics
REDESIGN CONSIDERATIONS Functionality - Product Delivery - Customer Service - Prospective Employees - Placement - Security - CMS
VENDOR SELECTION Cost Considerations Internal Capacity Timeline Scope RFI [Request for Information] RFP [Request for Proposal]
REDESIGN PROCESS Discovery & Research There are 4 stages in the process: Discovery & Research Strategy UX & Creative Implementation & Launch Followed by post-launch
1| DISCOVERY & RESEARCH Do you need research? If you don’t understand the needs, values and motivations of your customers and prospects, research can help you create a more tailored experience for them If you don’t fully understand the competitive landscape it can be useful to do a competitive analysis - this can also help you and your team figure out what you want your site to do (or look like) It’s also helpful to look at other industries to discover best practices What type of research do you need? Market Scan Qualitative Quantitative
2| STRATEGY Branding It’s important to maintain consistency between what users see and read across your marketing materials Make sure the designs either match your current materials, or can serve as the basis for redesigning your materials If you haven’t been through a strategic branding exercise recently, this can help you focus your brand and audience strategy It’s important to narrow your target audience enough so that you can write compelling copy. Even if you focus on a particular target, it doesn’t mean you are alienating all other audiences
2| STRATEGY User Experience Some things to keep in mind: Your current customers as well as new customers want one thing: a seamless experience interacting with your brand Some things to keep in mind: Must be mobile-friendly Must provide seamless experience between your informational site and your online banking Pay attention to your most-visited pages to make sure they are easy to find Must be simple and easy to navigate or users may go somewhere else
3| UX & CREATIVE Planning the Site Design and Copywriting Functionality Site Structure Page Structure or Templates Design and Copywriting The design is the first thing visitors see and sets the first impression of your bank’s brand and image It’s important to keep the design flexible so that changes can be made over time The copy style must match the design style of the site
4|IMPLEMENTATION & LAUNCH A smooth launch requires careful coordination across several teams Make sure your bank team has a comprehensive testing plan to ensure page content is correct and functionality is working as intended Make sure you have a clear plan and schedule for launch so all parties understand what needs to happen with: - Changing your hosting and domain name settings - Testing the site once the launch happens - Communicating any changes to customers - Make sure you have a rollback plan just in case there are any issues with your initial launch
POST-LAUNCH Once your site is launched, the best thing to do is continue to make updates and maintain your site If you make regular updates to keep it current, you’ll find you don’t need to redesign as often If you choose a good CMS platform, you could even make graphic or design updates without having to redesign
RESULTS Branding - Utilized the website redesign to strengthen our branding - The website became a unifying component of our branding - We were able to better tell our corporate story Sales & Service - Made online mortgage applications available, generating 300 since launch - Made online account creation available in Jan. 2017, and now have 1600 open accounts with total balances close to $1 million - Increased time spent on the website Technology - A long-term technology platform was established (the Drupal CMS)