Program Management & Quality Task Force Report
Members David Jared, P.E. (GDOT); Chair Ned Parrish (ITD); Secretary Michael Connors (CTDOT) Hua Xiang (Maryland SHA) Don Williams (WVDOT) Hafiz Munir (MnDOT) Tommy Nantung (InDOT) Megan Swanson (ILDOT) Bill Barstis (MDOT) pending Members
Members (Cont.) Coco Briseno (CalTrans) Dave Huft (SDDOT) Robert McCoy (NMDOT) Amanullah Mommandi (CDOT) Members (Cont.)
Friends Bill Barstis, MDOT Steve Bower, MichDOT Camille Crichton-Sumners, NJDOT Barbara Harder, B.T. Harder, Inc. Chris Hedges, TRB David Kuehn, FHWA Juan Pava, ILDOT Martin Pietrucha, Penn St. Sue Sillick, MDT Friends
One + member(s) from Region 2 “Friend” us Membership Needs
Accomplishments Website Development Intellectual Property (IP) Proposed TPF website edits implemented Assisted successful RPPM website migration Facilitating RPM website hosting Intellectual Property (IP) IP mgt. update in TRB reps mtg. Planning TRB webinar re: IP in early 2016 (w/CoR) 2017 TRB annual mtg. venue re: IP (NCHRP 799 benefits, etc.) Accomplishments
Goals and Activities Subgroup scope clarifications Implementation: to include cross-section of implementation types (not just NCHRP) Website development: broadened to “Program/Project Management Tools” New subgroup: Personnel Skill sets & staffing levels Internal research partners Succession planning Adaptive workforce Young professionals Goals and Activities
Goals and Activities (Cont.) National Activities Support NCHRP SP-05 (“Support for RAC Task Forces…”) Initiate peer exchange review Consider peer exchanges outside RAC “Skill set venue” @ TRB annual meeting and beyond via new subgroup Goals and Activities (Cont.)
Changing the Guard Chair transition/mentoring (12-18 mo.) Help Wanted
David’s kids at a Lowe’s community event THANK YOU!