CERN, the LHC and the Grid


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Presentation transcript:

CERN, the LHC and the Grid First Tuesday @ CERN 27 September 2002 Hans Falk Hoffmann Director of Technology Transfer and Scientific Computing, CERN

CERN: where antimatter is made CERN is about fundamental scientific challenges in Particle Physics Front page, September 19, 2002 More Sci- Than Fi, Physicists Create Antimatter Physicists working in Europe announced yesterday that they had passed through nature's looking glass and had created atoms made of antimatter, or antiatoms, opening up the possibility of experiments in a realm once reserved for science fiction writers. Such experiments, theorists say, could test some of the basic tenets of modern physics and light the way to a deeper understanding of nature [...] The new research was conducted by physicists at CERN, the particle physics laboratory outside Geneva.

CERN: where the web was born Fundamental scientific challenges produce disruptive technologies

The world’s largest superconducting structure LHC – the Large Hadron Collider The world’s largest superconducting structure 27 Km of magnets with a field of 8.4 Tesla Super-fluid Helium cooled to 1.9°K Two counter- circulating proton beams Collision energy 7 + 7 TeV

CMS – The Compact Muon Solenoid 40 MHz 1 PetaByte/sec reduced online – event selection, data compression to a data recording rate of 100 Hz 1 PetaByte/year Four LHC Experiments start up – April 2007

The Large Hadron Collider - 4 detectors Requirements for data analysis CMS ATLAS LHCb Storage – Raw recording rate 0.1 – 1 GByte/sec Accumulating data at 5-8 PetaBytes/year (plus copies) 10 PetaBytes of disk Processing – 100,000 of today’s fastest PCs

Problem 1 – Cost Problem 2 – Number of components

CERN's Users and Collaborating Institutes 637 70 4306 22 538 87 55 27 10 Europe: 267 institutes, 4603 users Elsewhere: 208 institutes, 1632 users

CERN's Users and Collaborating Institutes another problem? or a solution? – uniting the computing resources of particle physics Europe: 267 institutes, 4603 users Elsewhere: 208 institutes, 1632 users

LCG: The LHC Computing Grid Project a geographically distributed computing facility for a very large user population of independently-minded scientists with independent ownership/management of the different nodes each with different access and usage policies and serving multiple user communities

What you would like to see reliable available powerful calm cool easy to use …. and nice to look at

What you get Lab m Uni x Uni a Lab a Uni n  Lab b Lab c  Uni y Uni b    Germany USA UK France Italy ………. CERN Tier 1 Japan CERN Tier 0 physicist

LCG Leverages other Grid & Network Projects CrossGrid European projects US projects

Conclusion CERN creates new technologies of value to Industry CERN’s Grid R&D may create disruptive technologies Industry creates new technologies of value to CERN CERN’s Grid R&D dependent on industry’s inputs Win-win situation for CERN and Industry to collaborate