Proverbs About Fish lauragibbs
Proverbs About Fish
Fish gotta swim.
Don't try to teach a fish to swim.
A monk outside of his cell...
is like a fish out of water.
The cat loves fish...
but it refuses to get in the water.
People are hooked on pleasures...
just like fish on a hook.
Without a fishing hook...
you cannot catch a fish.
A fish starts to stink...
from the head down.
After three days, fish stink...
and so do house guests.
You won't find fish in every river.
In a big river...
you can catch a big fish.
Turbulent waters...
are more full of fish.
You haven't caught the fish...
and you're already stirring the sauce.
After it's caught, a fish wants wine...
when it's alive, a fish wants water.
The big fish eat the little fish.