Exploring the Ocean Blue
Challenger Expedition
Studying the Ocean Floor The ocean is 3.8 kilometers deep on average. Why do you think it is hard to study the ocean floor? Darkness Extreme Cold Extreme Pressure
Technology Sonar technology helped scientists study the ocean floor.
Let’s take a trip to the ocean floor!!
We are going to start off the coast of Georgia and travel to the coast of Africa!!
First we come to the… Continental Shelf A gently sloping shallow area that extends outward from the edge of the continent. Savannah
After that we reach the… Continental Slope A steep slope. This marks the true end of the continent. Where the rock of the continent ends and the rock of the ocean begins.
Next stop on our list it the… Abyssal Plain A smooth, nearly flat region. Area covered with thick layer of mud and silt.
Don’t run into the… Seamount Under water mountains that can come above the ocean surface.
Watch out!! Mid-Ocean Ridge Continuous range of mountains.
Swim through the trench not over it.
Finally, we reach Africa!!! We then come to a steep slope, then a gentle slope, and at last we are on shore in Africa!
Just a couple more questions! What was the name of the steep slope we just went up? What was the name of the gentle slope we just went up?