Health Information for Substitute Teachers
Medications All prescription medications are generally given from one central location within the school. All staff who administer medication receive annual training on proper/safe handling of medications.
Medications (cont) Once the appropriate permission forms are in place, students may carry and self administer: Inhalers and Epinephrine Middle and High School Students (Only) are allowed to carry a one day supply of an over-the-counter medication as long as it does not require pharmacist assistance to purchase.
Medications (cont) You should never see students sharing medications. Students who self administer medications should do it in a way as to not disturb the classroom. If you ever question if a student is acting in accordance with the RSS Medication Policy please contact an administrator immediately.
Diabetic Students Students with diabetes may provide care for themselves at any time or place per NC SB911. Schools have staff members trained to assist with daily/emergency care of diabetics. If a diabetic student needs assistance contact the front office and ask for a diabetes trained staff member to come to the classroom. NEVER send a diabetic student alone to seek help with the diabetes care needs.
SEEK ASSISTANCE IMMEDIATELY! Diabetic Student Hypoglycemia is a low blood sugar and is an EMERGENCY! The student needs a quick acting sugar and if becomes unconscious may need to be administered glucagon by injection. SEEK ASSISTANCE IMMEDIATELY! Hyperglycemia is a high blood sugar and needs attention. Normally it is treated by drinking water and light exercise (walking) or additional insulin.
Recognizing Hyperglycemia
Recognizing Hypoglycemia
First Aid Bloodborne Pathogens and Personal Protective Equipment IF IT IS WET…AND IT IS NOT YOURS…DON’T TOUCH IT! Each classroom should have a first aid or bloodborne pathogens kit. (gloves, band-aids, gauze pad & hand sanitizer) When it is necessary to assist a student with an injury always wear gloves to prevent a bloodborne pathogen exposure.
First Aid Bloodborne Pathogens and Personal Protective Equipment If a student is capable of caring for his/her own injury allow them to do so. Wash with soap and water and apply bandage. Notify administration that an injury occurred so that the student can be checked for further care needs and an incident report can be completed. When there is blood on a surface, contact the custodian to properly disinfect the area.
First Aid Bloodborne Pathogens and Personal Protective Equipment Should emergency assistance be provided and there is an exposure of non intact skin to blood or body fluids, contact an Administrator and the Financial Secretary. Any exposure should be reported immediately or within 24 hours of the incident. Any care for a bloodborne pathogen exposure or workman’s compensation injury must be provided by Pro Med Urgent Care.
Concussion/Return to Learn A. A concussion is a type of traumatic brain injury caused by a bump, blow, or jolt to the head or by a hit to the body that causes the brain to move rapidly back and forth. B. The following steps should be taken for any student who sustains a bump or blow to the head: Step 1: Remove from physical and cognitive activities immediately. Step 2: Report the injury immediately.
Special Health Care Procedures Many special health care procedures are performed in the school setting. A few examples are: catheterizations, tube feedings, blood glucose monitoring and diapering If you will be working as a long term substitute, and your assistance with care be necessary, training will be provided by the School Nurse.
How do I know that a student has a medical condition? Check to see if the teacher has a list of students with special healthcare needs in their substitute folder. If you have a classroom roster printed from Power School – for students who have an emergency health care plan or medication for use at school, there should be a medical symbol beside their name.
Confidentiality Please remember that as a substitute you will be made aware of many students’ health care diagnosis, medications or special health care needs. Please handle all information confidentially and respect the privacy of students.