Bloodborne Pathogens
What is it? A Bloodborne pathogen is a microorganism present in human blood or other infectious body fluid, i.e., vaginal secretions, semen, amniotic fluid, etc. Pathogens are spread through blood to blood or other bodily fluid contact Some will die as soon as they are in open air, others can live up to a week outside of the body
Why Important? Each year, approximately 75,000 people infected with HBV (Hepatitis B) 27% of people with HIV don’t know they have it OSHA says approximately 8,700 workers infected with HBV each year Contracting a Bloodborne pathogen could change your life forever
Areas of Most Concern HBV – Hepatitis B HCV – Hepatitis C HIV – Human Immunodeficiency Virus Also of concern Malaria Syphilis Relapsing Fever
HBV – Hepatitis B Hepatitis means inflammation of the liver HBV attacks liver and can lead to cirrhosis and death Most common serious liver infection in world Only 10% of adults develop chronic infections, but 90% of children will Virus can live up to a week outside of body Symptoms: Fever, fatigue, muscle pain Loss of appetite, nausea, vomiting (severe flu symptoms) However, you may feel no symptoms at all but can still infect others
HCV – Hepatitis C Also works by attacking and destroying the liver Most common chronic Bloodborne infection in US (3.9 million infected) 80% of people will have no symptoms at first 70% of people develop chronic liver disease Symptoms: Jaundice, fatigue, dark urine Abdominal pain, loss of appetite, nausea
HIV – Human Immunodeficiency Virus Works by weakening the immune system over time Makes you more susceptible to normal infections HIV is not AIDS, it can slowly develop into AIDS over times Time between HIV infection and AIDS symptoms can be 8-11 years Virus dies quickly outside of body unless kept in lab conditions
Myths of Transmission Can not contract a Bloodborne pathogen from: Water fountain Bathroom Sharing food Does not spread through air from: Sneezing Coughing Can’t get from mosquitoes
Methods of Transmission Bloodborne Pathogens can only spread when infected blood or body fluid enters body through cut or mucous membranes Most common method is through sharing needles Unprotected sexual activity 2nd leading method Occupational contraction is 2nd lowest method Indirect transmission – touching contaminated object or surface and then touching eyes, nose, mouth
How to Reduce Your Risk Assume ALL blood or body fluids are contaminated Always dispose of any kind of sharp into sharps container Do not handle broken glass with bare hands, use a broom if at all possible Wear gloves when working around any material that may have sharp edges, i.e. metal
How to Reduce Your Risk Thoroughly wash hands with non abrasive soap and water after contact with any potentially contaminated material Also wash anytime you take off latex gloves Bandage any cuts or sores Never eat, smoke, or drink in areas where contamination could occur
Hepatitis B Vaccine We shall make available the hepatitis B vaccine to all employees who have occupational exposure, and post-exposure evaluation and follow-up to all employees who have had an exposure incident. Employees may decline the vaccine. Other employees may voluntarily pay for the vaccine.
Personal Protective Equipment - PPE Always wear sturdy gloves when handling any sharp or material with sharp edges Wear latex or sturdy work gloves when dealing with any kind of blood or bodily fluid May also be necessary to wear safety glasses or goggles, mask, and apron
Personal Protective Equipment - PPE PPE must be appropriate for task you’re performing Don’t use latex gloves to carry sheet metal PPE needs to be free of physical flaws Cuts, tears, etc. All equipment needs to fit properly All PPE should be thrown out or thoroughly washed if contaminated
If Co-worker Hurt and Bleeding Never put yourself at unnecessary risk Try to help but only if you can be safe doing so Wear proper PPE before attempting to help victim to prevent infection Even if “best friend” you never know who may be infected, they might now know either Good Samaritan could be a carrier
Giving First Aid If trained to give first aid: Never make mouth to mouth contact when giving CPR Carry or have closely available a pocket mask for CPR Wear latex gloves any time there is blood or body fluids present Properly dispose of all contaminated PPE after incident
Clean Up If at all possible, have injured person perform clean up Solution of 1 part bleach to 10 parts water effective for decontaminating services Dispose of all contaminated materials into red biohazard bags Place bags into securable plastic containers that are labeled for biohazard
If Contact Occurs If puncture, force wound to bleed Then immediately wash affected area with nonabrasive soap and water If splashed in eyes, nose, or mouth, thoroughly flush with water Report exposure immediately Seek medical help
Key Points Bloodborne Pathogens are spread through fluid contact Three main areas of concern are HBV, HCV, and HIV Can not contract virus through air, water fountain, or sharing food Always wear proper PPE when around any blood or body fluids Always assume all blood and body fluids are contaminated (Universal Precautions)