Vancouver Canada 02 加拿大 溫哥華 All photos From 李常生 林小圓 12/11/2009 Taipei I appreciate you plus some music for this file 歡迎您幫我加點音樂上去,假如您願意的話
Ghost Ship by Cormac A Smoky City? by Csilla
Spirit Bear by Melissa77 Copyright: Frans Buitendijk
Copyright: Robert McGee
Copyright: Doreen Eden
Fighting evil by vjmite
Colour Palate by Cormac
Bridge Traffic by mdknight Bhangra Dancers by eilaw
Sailing Free by Boat and Plane. by PJE
Green way by yacha153 On the Edge by Cormac
Steps by Cormac
ubc statue by Basher24 House of Knowledge by Boots
A Moment of Peace by osmarq
odd looking flower by romance102
Vancouver Public Library by cezar
Vancauver 472 by cihanunal
Stop, for time to pass by kennyk
Art in the city by verswe Jolly green scenery by sadeik
The end
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