CSA Z767-17 Awareness Marketing & Networking Development
Purpose of Awareness Marketing & Networking Connect Z767 to industry sectors Leverage “Awareness Workshops” to potential Industrial Contacts PSM Stakeholder List (Roche)
24 Months (Majority 2018) 26 Events Oil and Gas – Food Processing Across Canada
Western Conference on Safety Pacific Safety Center LTD WorkSafe BC Occupational Health and Safety Vancouver April 9 - 10 Partners in Prevention Health and Safety Conference WSPS Sandra Buscarini Occupational Health and Safety Mississauga May 1 - 2 Petroleum Safety Conference Enform Robert Waterhouse Oil and Gas Banff May 1 - 3 Western Conference – Suzanne Mathews (BCOG) Partners in Prevention – Graeme Norval Petroleum Safety - Jyoti
Canadian Standards Association (CSA) Annual Conference Tara Leitan National Edmonton June 18 - 19 Canadian Society of Safety Engineering Professional Development Conference CSSE Terry Cunningham Engineering Niagara Falls September 16 - 19 Interamericas - Industrial Program Ontario Disaster and Emergency Management – Graeme Norval
Ontario Disaster and Emergency Management Conference 68th Canadian Chemical Engineering Conference (incorporating Interamericas) CSChE Chris Muldoon Engineering Toronto October 28 - 31 Ontario Disaster and Emergency Management Conference Ontario Association of Emergency Managers (OAEM) Dan Joyce Association October 3 - 4 Interamericas - Industrial Program Ontario Disaster and Emergency Management – Graeme Norval
Future of Z767 Awareness and Networking Are there PSM members with connections to these events (or others not listed)? Which members would volunteer to reach out to organizing committee/group listed? Who would be comfortable speaking at these events/conferences?
CSChE 2018 International Symposia: Biomedical Engineering & Human Health in Honour of Michael V. Sefton Fate and Transport of Pollutants in the Environment in Honour of Don Mackay Lignocellulosic Biorefinery and Bioproducts in Honour of David Goring Industrial Biocatalysis: Harnessing the power of genomics Global Engineering Clean Energy and Greenhouse Gas Technologies Water Resources & Process- Affected Water