TIROS-1: The First Weather Satellite
Geostationary Orbit
GOES Weather Satellite
GOES Weather Satellite
Polar Orbit
NOAA Polar Orbiter
Visible Imagery (.5-.7 microns)
Infrared Imagery (typically 10-12 microns)
IR Enhancement Steep Linear Enhancement: Going through a wide range of shades over a limited temperature range Contouring: Discontinuous change of shading at certain temperatures to indicate specific values Color enhancement: Using color to highlight certain temperature values.
MB Enhancement
Fog Product Based on Difference Between IR and SW IR
Water Vapor Channel
Products from the GOES Sounder
19 Channels
GPS Sounding A constellation of GPS satellites orbit the earth. By measuring the delay in time as the GPS signal is bent by the earth’s atmosphere, one can acquire density information that can be used to create temperature and humidity soundings. Can do this with fixed receivers on earth or with receivers on satellites--the COSMIC project.
Cosmic Soundings