Countries in Focus: Europe GERMANY
GERMANY Central Europe Alps Danube River Rhine River Location: Geographic Features: Alps Danube River Rhine River
Capital: Berlin
GERMANY Climate: Temperate and marine; cool, cloudy, wet winters and summers; occasional warm wind Chief Export: Automobiles
GERMANY 82.3 million $2.815 trillion $34,200 Estimated Population: Gross Domestic Product (GDP): $2.815 trillion Per Capita: $34,200
FRANCE 99% Roman Catholic – 34% Protestant – 34% Literacy Rate: Religion(s): Roman Catholic – 34% Protestant – 34%
GERMANY Official Language(s): German (Germanic) Greeting: Guten Tag!
Lied der Deutschen Unity and Right and Freedom For the German Fatherland! After these let us all strive Brotherly with heart and hand! Unity and Right and Freedom Are the pledge of happiness. Bloom in the splendour of this happiness, Bloom, my German Fatherland! Bloom in the splendour of this happiness, Bloom, my German Fatherland!