Mearns Castle High School P7 Parents’ Evening 8 June 2017
Presentation Structure • Welcome • Introductions • About Mearns Castle • Support for Pupils • Pupils’ Experience’ • Parental Support • Uniform Pupil Support Pastoral Team
Induction Days New classes New teachers New friendships Finding their way around the school Building confidence Meeting with House Groups Year group Assembly Transitions Film Transitions Magazine
Our Vision The Mearns Castle High School community will work together to sustain a safe, inclusive and high quality learning environment that enables us to develop fully our capacities as successful learners, confident individuals, responsible citizens and effective contributors to society
Our Values Respect Inclusion Integrity Responsibility Ambition Achievement
About Us We are a school that sets high standards and holds high expectations in: Behaviour • In class, around the school, in local community Work Ethic • Try your best, work hard Uniform • Be proud to be a Mearns Castle pupil The School Community • Give some thing back to the school
Secondary Stages Broad General Education S1-3 Senior Phase – S4-6 S1/S2 (most choose 8 subjects at end of S2) S3/S4 (most choose 5 subjects at end of S4) S5 S6
Pupil Support What support do we offer? DHT / Year Group Head Pupil Support – Pastoral Pupil Support – Learning Pupil Support – Personal Development Class Teachers S6 Academic Family S6 Peer Buddies
Previous Model of Support Previous 6 DHTs – one for each Year Group S1-S6 6 PTPS – one for each House DHT follows Year Group S1 to S6 PTPS remains constant S1 – S6
Current Model of Support Current 5 DHTs but still 6 PTPS PTPS remains constant S1 – S6 DHT follows Year Group S2-S6 5DHTs + HT work with 6 PTPS to support caseload of S1 pupils
Mearns Castle Houses Surnames Head of House House A, C, J, Mac Mr Cairney Caledonia B, D, E, F Mrs Crilley Balmoral G, H, I, K Mr Gooch Gleneagles M, N, O, R Mr Donnelly Ramsay Mc, S Miss Oram Sutherland L, P, Q,T- Z Miss Cartledge Wallace
Pupil Support ‐ Learning Ms Fiona McLachlan – Principal Teacher
Pupil Support ‐ Personal Development Ms Wendy Crosby – Principal Teacher
S1 Classes Information from Primary Schools Classes – gender / schools / ability Different groupings for different subjects Alpha class, 1A etc – French, Social Subjects Point class, 1.1 etc – Practical Subjects English and Maths classes – Alpha classes for Induction Days only - PT Maths and English PSE, RMPS, Citizenship – House groups PE – 4 classes together (boys and girls)
1A2 Approx 20 pupils Approx 30 pupils Science Modern Languages HOUSE GROUPS: PSE Citizenship RMPS Approx 20 pupils Science Tech / FHT Art / Music IT / Drama Approx 30 pupils Modern Languages Social Subjects
S1 Classes With someone else from primary school (primary class where possible) Not with ‘best friend’ Opportunities to make new friends It can take time to settle Give it time – but get in touch if there are any major issues Football Camp 7/8 & Volleyball Camp 9/10/11 Aug
Timetable 33 period week Mon, Tues, Thurs 8:45 am - 3:35 pm Wed, Fri 8:45am - 2:45pm 50 Minute periods Registration in all classes
Subjects in S1 English Maths French Art, Technical, IT Drama, Music, FHT Social Subjects (Mod Studies, Geography, History) Science (Biology, Chemistry, Physics) RE (1 period) PE (3 periods) Citizenship (1 period weekly–sometimes assembly) Personal & Social Education (PSE) (1 period)
Lunchtime 12:25pm – 1:05pm S1/2 not allowed off campus Except Basement Club (Wednesdays) Can bring a packed lunch Can buy lunch in Dining Hall/Open Area PIN for Cashless Catering – from August
Getting To School By Bus – ERC Buses supervised in Car Park By Car Organised by ERC Waterfoot/Eaglesham Buses supervised in Car Park By Car Drop off in laybys – not in school grounds please Cycling? Walking?
What does UPBEAT stand for? UPBEAT ‘on colour’ Incentive Scheme What does UPBEAT stand for? U = Uniform P = Prepared for class - homework B = Behaviour E = Effort A = Attitude T = Time keeping
Wider Learning Clubs – Wide variety on offer for S1, including Running, Table Tennis, Hockey, Netball, Dance, Football, Gymnastics, Cricket, Fitness Training, Girls Football, Debating, Rugby, Volleyball, Badminton, Dodgeball Junior Concert Band, Chamber Group, Jazz Band, String Ensemble, Guitar Ensemble, Woodwind Ensemble, Junior Choir, School Show Debating, Knit and Knatter, Amnesty International, Philosophy, Jewellery and Textiles, Chinese Club, Warhammer, Chess, Code-breaking Club
Colours For many years we have taken great pride in recognising pupil achievements through the school’s Colours programme. The fields we recognise are: Sport Expressive Arts Citizenship Enterprise Application forms on the website
How we keep in touch Newsletters – one per term Letters – as appropriate S1 Reports 1 Tracking Report (November) 1 Full Report (May) Parent Meetings Curriculum Evening (September) Parents’ Meeting (November) Texting Email Phone Calls Website / twitter (check these regularly)
Log Book Pupils should take a record of - homework - timetable - test results Parent Partnership: - Please sign the Log Book regularly and use the Logbook to communicate with teachers
Support from Parents Homework log books Attendance/late coming Uniform Extra curricular activities
Our School Uniform The Way Forward 79% of Pupils, Parents and Staff say that: ‘The standard of our School Uniform could be improved’ May 2012 We are confident we now have now improved our school uniform 98.4% of parents agreed that “our school currently has a high standard of uniform” May 2014 Monitoring – checks before school and Period 1 Uniform store – including recycled blazers Parents to be sent a text UPBEAT Demerits Off colour losing privileges eg. Christmas Dances, Charities Week, School Trips
Our School Uniform ‘…Under no circumstances should young people be denied access to education or full curriculum or assessment opportunities because they do not comply with the school’s dress code…’ ERC Standard Circular 6: Dressing for Excellence We are looking forward to working in partnership with you to maintain our high standard of school uniform from August 2017.
Our School Uniform Retailers Mans World, Giffnock uniform offer: Sunday 4th - Sunday 11th June 2017 Up to 25% discount on all items except blazers and skirts. Academy Uniforms, East Kilbride: Acceptable to purchase the correct items of uniform from any supplier We will offer to support parents’ who are having difficulty providing items of school uniform
Any questions?
Principal Teachers of Pastoral Support Mr Cairney Mrs Crilley Mr Gooch Caledonia (A,C,J,Mac) Balmoral (B,D,E,F) Gleneagles (G,H,I,K) Main Theatre Conference Room Contemplation Room Mr Donnelly Miss Oram Miss Cartledge Ramsay (M,N,O,R) Sutherland (S,Mc) Wallace (L,P,Q,T-Z) Main Theatre Dining Hall Open Area