CMOP Phase 1 Small Tests of Change
Our CMOP Team Team Members Counties Served Deliveries per Year <Insert Hospital Logo> Our CMOP Team Team Members <list names and roles of team members> Counties Served <list counties served> Deliveries per Year <insert #> deliveries per year Staff Size <list # physicians> <list # nurses> Etc. The content of this slide is designed to provide a high level overview of your CMOP improvement team. Please share the names of your team members and their roles (e.g., Marty McCaffrey, Physician Champion), list the counties you serve, number of deliveries per year and your staff size. When you submit your storyboard, please provide the following: A picture of your logo (with your hospital name) as an attachment when submitting your template so that we may include it in the upper left hand corner of each slide (you may also embed the logo in that location of the slides themselves, if that is preferred). Please also move the star image on the slide over the location on the North Carolina map where your facility is located. Finally, include a picture of your team. <Insert Team Photo>
Small Tests of Change Our Idea: <Insert Hospital Logo> [Who, What, How, When, Where] Describe the small test of change you intend to try in general terms – drilling down to a specific aspect of your idea comes later
Educating Patients and Families <Insert Hospital Logo> Educating Patients and Families Our Assumptions: [What assumptions have we made about patients, providers, and their world?] Your small test of change will be based on some assumptions you make about the actors and environment in which your test is taking place, which may or may not be unique to your clinical microsystem, and, more importantly , which may or may not be true. For example, deciding to post educational materials in the break room to educate staff relies on the assumption that staff actually LOOK at materials posted in the break room. If you are not getting the results you hoped for you may need to check the assumptions you made here.
Educating Patients and Families <Insert Hospital Logo> Educating Patients and Families Our Hypotheses: [If we do __________ , then ______ % of people will do __________ ] Here is where you will describe the specific thing you think will happen as a result of your small test of change
Educating Patients and Families <Insert Hospital Logo> Educating Patients and Families Our Test: [Description and metrics] What you did to test your hypothesis, how you measured the results. Remember this is a small test. Before you roll out an education program to all staff on all shifts, or an intervention to all patients, you’ll want to test your idea on a small group to ensure that it is having the effect you anticipated.
Educating Patients and Families <Insert Hospital Logo> Educating Patients and Families Results: [What did we learn? What will we do next?] Results go here. Did you meet your goal? Did it turn out like you planned? Were your assumptions correct? Has your hypothesis changed? Will you need to re-test? Can you implement the change on a larger scale?