Coordinated Assessment System (CAS): Update 11/11/2018 Coordinated Assessment System (CAS): Update Provider Association Meeting 7/17/17
Validity Study Report Update 11/11/2018 Validity Study Report Update OPWDD is preparing to announce an upcoming webex to review the findings of the CAS validity study report. The report will be released subsequent to the webex meeting in short order through posting to the OPWDD website.
Current Implementation Progress 11/11/2018 Current Implementation Progress Over 12,700 assessments completed statewide (see handout) Assessments continue to be completed for adults: Living in any residential setting Living at home or independently receiving any service from OPWDD Self-directing with budget authority
11/11/2018 Updates to CAS Process Improvements made to the initial contact letter to the person/family Based on feedback from families and providers to simplify and provide expectations in step-by-step format Modifications to be made to two CAS items in the next scheduled IT update (November/December) Ongoing and continuous education to providers Monthly trainings being provided statewide to providers(often more than once a month) Requests for training are encouraged and whenever possible these trainings are delivered in person Ask for continued assistance from the PA in sharing the role of the MSC (see handout) and encouraging participation by staff at all levels in trainings offered to ensure understanding Any recommendations from the PA in communications?
Process of Addressing CAS Summary Questions 11/11/2018 Process of Addressing CAS Summary Questions Training has been, and continues to be provided, to MSCs on the process (see handout) MSC notes in monthly note and ISP MSC emails questions/concerns to: OPWDD Central Office reviews each case Structured quality review process that may include: Review of entire CAS Review of documents utilized MSC notes and supporting documents Interviews with family and the person Low incidence of concerns being raised to OPWDD about the CAS summaries (less than 30 out of 12,707) Request that concerns be directed to Central Office through the above email Specific details about each concern are necessary in order to best support OPWDD’s quality review OPWDD will also request documentation of the MSC/care coordinator’s CAS summary review process with the person/family
11/11/2018 Quality Assurance OPWDD completes a quality assurance sample review of all assessors on an ongoing basis Individual guidance and training reinforced with assessors (both workforces) based on quality reviews
11/11/2018 Questions?