Warm Up 5/9 Today we will be working on writing scripts for our films. In order to do this properly, you need to know your characters really well. So, let’s plan. Talk to your group and have each student pick a character from your short story. Two students may pick the same character only if a. there aren’t any other characters left, and b. the character is the main one. Write a short paragraph about your assigned character. It must include the following information (everything that isn’t decided in the story can be invented by you!): Name of character , age, weight, ethnicity. [1-2 sentences] Background information [2-4 sentences] Relationship to other characters (if there are any) [2-4 sentences] Why is this person connected to this topic [2-4 sentences] Once everyone has their character, I’ll give you 10 timed minutes to write.
Learning TARGETS I can develop dynamic, interesting characters. I can work with a group to begin either drafting my script OR planning the filming of each scene.
Open Google Classroom In the Short Story Unit documents, open up the one called “Scripting.” We will read through this together, including the model.
At this point, Decide which students in the group will be working on planning filming and which will be working on drafting the script. Students planning the filming: you have to fill out the sheet involving each aspect of “film reading” that we worked on yesterday. Since there are six scenes and likely 2-3 of you, break up the work evenly. Students drafting the script: you must draft 1-2 (or so) pages of script in exactly the style exhibited in our model. Like the film groups, please break up the work evenly. As well as you can, get these completed by next Monday, the 15th!