FAR Combines three data collections: Merit Reviews (Colleges and Units) Non-Instructional Workload (OIRP) Conflict of Interest/Conflict of Commitment (Academic Affairs)
FAR DEVELOPMENT 2004 School of Engineering staff developed new system; ENGR and CMPS partnered to pilot in 2004. 2005 Spring – Provost charged OIRP/Faculty Affairs to work with ENGR to take FAR campus-wide. Summer - Demos, consultation with all colleges. ENGR enhanced FAR. Fall – Demos of updated system to college representatives.
CAMPUS ROLLOUT OF FAR 80 faculty pilot-testers from 10 colleges. FAR is open to all faculty for 3 sections -- Personal, Publications, Awards. FAR is open for Instruction, Research, Service and Grants sections in January. FAR will close in the Spring. Reports will be available to Deans and units heads in April.
Use your UM Directory ID and password. FAR Log-In: https://apra.umd.edu Use your UM Directory ID and password.
How can we save the faculty time? Pre-populates faculty reports: Previous years’ data PHR Records and registration MEGS ORAA FAR data will be used to update other campus reports.
Welcome screen and Main menu
How can we save Reviewers, Administrators, Chairs and Deans time? FAR will provide the following reports: Unit-level evaluations Department annual report College summary sheet
Library Contact Responsibilities Participate in FAR Training. Maintain a list of FAR users in the college. Field questions from chairs and faculty. Provide feedback to the FAR team.