How to Write a Literary Comparison The Comparative Literary Essay
The Nature of Comparison Comparison is a basic procedure of explanation and analysis. A comparison presents two or more objects and describes and analyzes their similarities and differences. Comparison usually makes us see the items under discussion more clearly and in a new light. When writing a literary comparison, you will answer the question So What? In other words you will not only explain the similarities and differences between the two (or more) works (or plots or characters or other elements of fiction you have chosen to discuss) but also explain the significance of your comparison.
Appear different but have significant similarities A comparison intends to inform readers of something they haven't thought of before. Therefore, for a comparison to be illuminating, the things compared must either: Appear different but have significant similarities Star Wars and Return of the Jedi Roy Neary (the Richard Dreyfuss character) in Close Encounters and Elliott in E.T. Appear similar but have significant differences Classic Star Trek and Star Trek: The Next Generation Babylon 5 and Star Trek: Deep Space Nine You must have a purpose for your comparison. In other words, the reader of the comparison should not have to ask SO WHAT? at the end of your essay.
Grounds for Comparison A comparison is controlled by the ground of the comparison; i.e. the basis for comparing the items. The basis, or ground, must be significant; it must fulfill a purpose. In a comparison of two literary works, some common grounds of comparison are plot character background character actions character motivations setting theme You will develop your discussion of each ground of your comparison by describing and interpreting the attributes of that ground. For example attributes of the ground of setting might be location, year, time of year, time of day, and/or weather.
Organization of comparison There are two primary patterns of organization used in comparison essays Block method Alternating method (preferred)
Block Method also called Summary approach; also called One Side at a Time Focus is on items being compared. The writer presents one work, describe all of its relevant grounds and attributes, and then does the same with the second item, using the same grounds for comparison. Points of comparison are discussed in terms of the works being compared Advantage--guarantees that each object will have a unified discussion. Disadvantage--points of comparison, because so widely separated in the essay, may be less clear to the reader. Works best when: --two objects compared are relatively simple --points of comparison are general and few in number --amount of information presented is not great Generally a poor organizational choice
Alternating Method Also called element by element or point by point. Focus is on the grounds and attributes of comparison Works being compared are discussed in terms of the grounds and attributes of comparison Advantage--easy to grasp specific points of comparison Disadvantage--might be harder to pull together details and form a distinct impression of what each object is like. It is STRONGLY SUGGESTED that you use the Alternating Method of comparison in your essay.
Thesis Statement Remember that comparison and contrast is an organizational and analytical structure that supports your ideas but you still need a thesis. Thesis statement 1) Names the items to be compared 2) Indicates the purpose of the comparison 3) Names the grounds for comparison
Sample Thesis Statements Unacceptable : I am going to compare the similarities and differences between the films Close Encounters of the Third Kind and E.T., the Extraterrestrial. Acceptable: A close examination of the way that Roy Neary, the protagonist of Close Encounters of the Third Kind, and Elliott, the protagonist of E.T., the Extraterrestrial, react to their encounters with aliens demonstrates that director Steven Spielberg uses both films to tell similar stories about the difficulties of growing up.
Sample Thesis and Outline with Explanations In the general outlines of its plot, in the characterization of the protagonist, and in the development of the alien creatures, George R.R. Martin's award-winning short story "Sandkings" can be read as an ironic tribute to Theodore Sturgeon's classic short story "Microcosmic God."
Analysis I have color coded the required elements as they appear in the above thesis dark blue for the works being compared dark orange for the grounds for comparison dark teal for the purpose of the comparison Note also some basic protocols for writing about literature: I punctuated each story correctly by enclosing the title in quotation marks (If I had been writing about a novel, I would have italicized the title). I provided the full name of the author of each story when I first mentioned that story. After that, I use the author’s last name only.
Outline Here's the outline I would use to develop the essay that supports the above thesis: 1. Introduction A. Lead--create Interest Thesis Statement 2. Plot—optional paragraph A. “Microcosmic God" B. "Sandkings"
Outline--continued 3. Protagonist (this is body paragraph #1) A. Background 1. Kidder 2. Kress B. Lifestyle C. Personality D. Motivation/Purpose
Outline--continued 4. Aliens A. Origins B. Mindset C. Abilities 1. Neoterics 2. Sandkings B. Mindset C. Abilities
Outline--continued 5. Outcomes 6. Conclusion: A. Treatment of Aliens 1. Kidder 2. Kress B. Treatment of Protagonist 1. Neoterics 2. Sandkings 6. Conclusion: Your conclusions needs to restate your thesis, main points and in this essay I demonstrate the nature of the tribute and the reason I describe the tribute as ironic.
Analysis I used the alternating method for comparison. I followed parallel structure by always writing about the older story first. My conclusion would: tie together both sides of the comparison and contrast restate the major impression left by the discussion convince the reader that I have fulfilled my purpose lets the reader know I have finished my essay
How to Get Started Reread the assignment and the suggested themes. Choose the works you want to compare Skim the works and review the relevant research you have collected on the texts. Choose your grounds for comparison Answer the question So What? by determining a purpose for making this comparison. Gather information and evidence from each work to describe and support each grounds for comparison. Outline your essay. Be sure to use the alternating pattern of organization Compose your thesis.
Manuscript Preparation Revise your essay for clarity and style; pay particular attention to transitions between paragraphs. Edit your essay for spelling, grammatical, and mechanical errors. Edit your quotations for accuracy and punctuation. Use MLA format (parenthetical references) to cite all references to the texts. Add a Works Cited page; be sure to use MLA Format for Works Cited.
Source Adapted from Agatha Taormina Eng 256: Literature of Science Fiction