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Agenda 20 minutes of reading (better than nothing  ) I’m stressed about my essay and my outline is confusing….. What do I do??? Sample Body Paragraphs Lets Get Some Thoughts Down!!

IRP??? The next set of IRP’s will be due in January, but there will be a presentation involved. The outline will be provided to you next week and you will have the holiday break and part of January to prep for it. It will not be “you against the world” presentation. But it does mean that you have to finish a novel for the presentation. You should be finished the second book or very close. Consider choosing a final one.

Useful template and samples ______________ by _____________ uses _______________ to convey/ enforce/ communicate/ evaluate/ analyze ____________________________________. Harrison Bergeron by Kurt Vonnegut uses descriptive and symbolic characterization to analyze the negative effect that a suppressive system can have on an individual.

Where are you? I have considered the order of my arguments. I have chosen evidence from my story to support my thesis. I have a thesis that makes sense to me. I don’t know how my theme is connected to the techniques that I have chosen. I feel uncomfortable with the theme of my story. I’m confused by my thesis.

Clearing up the confusion What is your interpretation of your story? What choices did the author make when telling this story? How did they make it come alive? Harrison Bergeron by Kurt Vonnegut uses a variety of symbols to analyze the negative effect that a suppressive system can have on an individual. If Vonnegut had not used symbolism in the way that he had then I would not have come to the same conclusions about the power of the “system”.

Can I back up my thesis statement?? What is symbolic about Harrison Bergeron: Handicaps- society is controlled by handicaps. They are a symbol of control. Ballerinas- symbol of purity that is ruined by society Harrison Bergeron- symbol of rebellion, but the society acts upon him as well and appears to win.

Pieces of an Essay Thesis Statement Introduction paragraph – includes your thesis and your plan for what you will talk about in your essay. Kind of like a recap (at the beginning) NO QUOTES Body Paragraphs- Backing up your thesis statement and setting out your argument. Concluding Paragraph- Restating your thesis and making final comments about your argument. NO I’s, you’s, we’s, us’s, my’s, me’s, or “the reader”

Introduction: road Map

Random Directions and No Directions

Intro paragraph “Harrison Bergeron” by Kurt Vonnegut uses a variety of symbols to analyze the negative effect that a suppressive system can have on an individual. Vonnegut creates a world that revolves around the value of equality, but he takes it to its extremes. In order to demonstrate the extremes of equality he uses the symbol of a handicap. Handicaps can take many different forms and in this society they are used to directly symbolize the authority and power of the government over its people. The handicaps restrict thought and ability and therefore control the public. No one is safe from the handicaps, including those individuals who are highlighted as entertaining. Ballet is televised to the public, but the symbolic innocence and beauty of ballet is disfigured by the handicaps as well. Nothing is safe from the control of the government. Finally, the namesake of the short story, Harrison Bergeron, acts as a symbol for rebellion. He is the only one who is capable of standing up and speaking out. He removes the symbolic handicaps and televises his success, but even he is not safe from the government. While he symbolizes a hopeful rebellion he also symbolizes its failure as the government kills him and therefore kills the hope of the people. Without symbolism “Harrison Bergeron” would not be nearly as powerful or as compelling. This technique is able to draw connections between the society of 2081 and current events. 1. 2. 3.

Poetry Intro Jennifer McKee’s poem “Ode to Wilbur” makes use of vivid imagery and humorous hyperbole to convey that pets are vital to overcoming personal obstacles by offering unconditional love. Without imagery the ode would fall flat and not be able to communicate the depth of love and appreciation that the genre demands. Hyperbole is a strong poetic choice considering the lighthearted subject matter, but does not undercut the power of the overall message. It may seem like a simplistic poem, but the specific experiences in each stanza develop so that Wilbur becomes a symbol for all pets and the power that they have over our lives. 1. Ode would fall flat without imagery- depth of love. 2. Hyperbole helps to communicate a lighthearted tone. 3. Wilbur is a symbol for all pets (theme)

Introduction Your introduction should start with your thesis and then give a preview as to what you will be using to prove this thesis. No quotes in the INTRO!!! You don’t want your intro to be any longer than 150 words. The Pedestrian and Harrison Bergeron are both examples of the allegory of Plato’s cave and while the protagonists differ in their form of rebellion they come to similar ends. Plato’s cave is the origin story of the rebellious individual who challenges what is around them and struggles to reveal the truth. The protagonists in The Pedestrian and Harrison Bergeron follow this model by staying true to themselves, but not being able to defeat the flaws in the system. While there are many similarities between the protagonists there is one key difference. Leonard Mead’s struggle in The Pedestrian is private, while Harrison Bergeron’s struggle is purposefully public. They have very different intentions, but unwittingly share the same goal. Through the use of allegory these two authors share the same warning: that without questioning what is around us we will be confined.

Topic Sentences… The first sentence of each new paragraph should give the reader an indication as to what to expect in that particular paragraph. What is the topic of this paragraph?? Harrison Bergeron symbolizes humanities potential for greatness as well as the freedom that we all desire. Hyperbole is the intentional use of exaggeration to enforce a concept…..Kurt Vonnegut make use of hyperbole throughout Harrison Bergeron in order to…. “Ode to Wilbur” makes use of metaphor in order to convey that Wilbur is a majestic animal… Essentially it’s taking pieces of your thesis and introduction and planting them into the body of the essay in order to control your ideas.

Sample Body paragraph Vonnegut uses hyperbolic symbolism throughout “Harrison Bergeron”. The first use of symbolism is the ballet dancers who serve as the main source of entertainment for Harrison’s parents throughout the story. The Ballet is the only programming on television throughout the short story. The handicaps that everyone in this society suffers from are also placed on ballerinas, which seems irrational. If the ballerinas are too beautiful or too skilled then they are handicapped. The choice of ballerinas and not another form of dance or entertainment is a symbol of purity and innocence; something that is lost in this society. It also serves to demonstrate the power of the handicaps as a symbol of repression and control. The ballerina were “burdened with sash weights and bags of birdshot, and their faces were masked, so that no one, seeing a free and graceful gesture or a pretty face, would feel like something the cat drug in.” (1)The beauty and grace of the ballerinas is hidden under the handicaps so that the rest of society won’t think that there is anything other than equality. Everyone must be the same in 2081. The ballerinas symbolize that even goodness can be a problem.

Where are you? I have considered the order of my arguments. I have chosen evidence from my story to support my thesis. I have a thesis that makes sense to me. I don’t know how my theme is connected to the techniques that I have chosen. I feel uncomfortable with the theme of my story. I’m confused by my thesis.

Agenda Missing IRP’s Rough Draft of Essay If you have a rough draft of your essay…. Print off Highlight your thesis and topic sentences Grammar Exercises “Final/ Complete” Rough Draft is due tomorrow We will be peer editing tomorrow and there are speaking and listening grades for it. If you don’t have a rough draft then you will receive a 0 on Speaking and Listening for tomorrow.

Agenda Part One: Decompress and Dispel the Stress Day: Book of Awesome Ted Talk and Sharing the little things that make the day awesome. Part Two: Rough Drafts: Whether you have one or not you should get your eyes on another person’s essay.

We can still find the awesome

What are yours? Book of Awesome Have you ever had a day where you felt as though you can’t really see the happy things around you even though you know that they are there? This is common, perhaps especially in the last 24 hours, but I know that those awesome things are there. What are the little things that happen throughout the day that make a difference? A fresh cup of Timmy’s Coffee Putting the kettle on (the click) Hearing the buzz of a text from someone you love The sound of my cat’s purr after a long day. What are yours?

3 A’s of Awesome What are the 3 A’s and what do they mean? Attitude Neil Pasricha is a man who went through a lot in his life and decided that he needed to acknowledge the happiness and awesomeness in his life. What are the 3 A’s and what do they mean? Attitude Awareness Authenticity

Awareness Authenticity Attitude

Book Of awesome That last, crumby triangle in a bag of potato chips Finding money you didn’t even know you lost When you pull to a red light and the guy in front of you nudges up a bit so you can make a right turn Wearing underwear just out of the dryer Anything that can grow wings Sleeping in new bed sheets Illegal naps Living with someone who doesn’t mind killing spiders The day when you first realize you can drive

Even more… When cashiers open up new check-out lanes at the grocery store Sneezing three or more times in a row Your pillow The smell of rain on a hot sidewalk Finally getting a piece of popcorn that’s been stuck in your teeth all day out When your microwave pops microwave popcorn perfectly Popping Bubble Wrap When you push the button for the elevator and it’s already there Seeing someone laugh in their sleep

Now it’s your turn… Make a list as long as you can about those little awesome things that make a difference. Choose one or two after you have made your list and put it on a post it/ write it on the back board to share with others.

Stigma of Meticulousness

Editing Time

Peer Editing plan Do they have a functioning Introduction? (Organization and Ideas) Do they have proper sentences? (Conventions) Sentence length Commas Topic Sentences are clear (Organization and Ideas) Transitional Sentences (Organization and Ideas) Do they use literary language? Are there typos? (Language Use)

Introduction = Bread Crumbs Once you have drafted an introduction then you must pass it to someone else. This person will underline your thesis and then number your arguments within the introduction. If they struggle with numbering the arguments then you need to go back to the drawing board. Firstly, Secondly, Lastly

Sentence Length Coloring Time: Long Sentences: 20 and up Medium Sentences: 13-19 words Short Sentences: 1-12 words What do you have the most of? What is your longest sentence?

Comma and Sentence fragment grammar sheet

Longest Sentence Revised Sentence Long Sentences distract the reader from the primary idea. They are often mysterious and, therefore confusing. Word Count: 21 Word Count: 9, 7

Do you only do this for one sentence????? NO

Topic Sentences and Transitions Don’t forget about your topic sentences. They are the first sentence in each of your body paragraphs. They should introduce the idea of the body paragraph and be a short and CLEAR sentence. Underline the first sentence in each of your body paragraphs. Are they accurate to the topic of your paragraph???......

Transition Sentences The essay is a series of sandwiches….. You have your quote sandwich AND your body paragraph sandwiches Topic Sentence= Top piece of bread Transition Sentence = Bottom piece of bread The transition sentence should be able to hint at what you will talk about in the next paragraph. It acts like a bridge from one idea to the next.

Sample Poetic choices are personally made and publically appreciated. The choices made by McKee in “Ode to Wilbur” provided an access point into a poem about a specific cat. Imagery sets a loving mood by describing Wilbur’s fur as “thick and silky, downy/ and fluffy”(3). It may seem excessive, but this tactile imagery brings Wilbur into focus. It is specific and creative and brings Wilbur to life. As the poem progresses the imagery changes to visual: “He skips and hops,/ skating along the floor” (8). Wilbur’s personality is dancing on the page and he is truly coming to life. The ode genre is fulfilled by this joyous imagery. Often the imagery exaggerates Wilbur’s features, but these are not the only instances of exaggeration. Hyperbole is…

Is every quote in a sandwich??? Introductory sentence…LEADING INTO QUOTE “QUOTE” Explanatory sentence… WHAT WAS THE POINT OF USING THE QUOTE?

Transitions Transitions fall into several categories. The following seven categories list transitions for some of the most common situations in writing: 1. To show a time relationship: first, second, third, next, before, during, after, now, then, finally, last. 2. To add an idea or example: in addition, also, another, furthermore, similarly, for example, for instance. 3. To show contrast: although, but, however, instead, nevertheless, on the other hand, in contrast, on the contrary. 4. To show comparison: in the same way, similarly, likewise, as, also. 5. To show cause-effect: as a result, consequently, because, since, therefore, thus. 6. To show conclusion: as a result, therefore, finally, last, in conclusion, in summary, to sum up, all in all. 7. To clarify: in other words, for instance, that is, put another way.

More Computer Time Finished Rough Draft (or nearly done) (Finishing Sit next to a buddy or group of 3 Peer Editing Today Grammar Worksheet