Awaken a Scientist-The Hook
Why Engage?
Engagement Is Easy Engagement is necessary Requires a little planning Engagement is fun for students and teacher Engagement is interactive
Engagement Incorporates Various Learning Styles Kinesthetic/Tactile Auditory Visual
What is Science to an elementary or middle school student? Observations Curiosity Vocabulary Asking Questions Entertaining Experiments Reasonable Explanations
What is Science to an elementary or middle school student? Identify Characteristics Interdependence/Relationships Label/Model Record/Analyze Data Develop Inquiry/Process Skills Use Scientific Equipment Follow the Standards
5.5A - Students will demonstrate an understanding of the physical properties of matter. 5.5A.1 - Obtain and evaluate scientific information to describe basic physical qualities of atoms and molecules. Parts of the atom and characteristics Difference between Atoms and Molecules How do we teach this? Need: Nuts, Bolts, and Washers
Need: Cup, Pennies Molecular Spacing 5.5A.2 - Collect, analyze, and interpret data from measurements of the physical properties of matter including solid, liquid, and gas (volume, shape, movement) Molecular Spacing Practice measuring solid matter, regular and irregular Measuring Liquids-beakers, graduated cylinders, flask Gas- How do you measure? Balloons- Vinegar and Baking Soda-Data tables over time Need: Cup, Pennies
5.5A3 -Analyze matter through observations and measurements to classify materials (e.g., powders, metals, minerals, or liquids) based on their properties (e.g., color, hardness, reflectivity, electrical conductivity, thermal conductive, response to magnetic forces, solubility, or density). Aluminum density Lab, Mohs Hardness Lab Solubility Lab, Electrical Material Lab Need: Scissors, Pliers, Aluminum, Cup
5.5A.4 - Make and test predictions about how the density of an object affects whether the object sinks or floats Density Lab with regular and irregular shaped objects Discovery of Object density Density, You got to love it! Density = ass olume
5.5B - Students will demonstrate an understanding of mixtures and solutions. Understanding Homogeneous vs Heterogeneous Both mixtures and solutions are considered a mixture. Understanding solvents and solutes Mixtures Lab using Salt Water and Lucky Charms Need: Sand, Iron, Salt, Foam Pellets, Ring Stand, Beaker, Filter Paper, Magnet
5.5C - Students will demonstrate an understanding of the difference between physical and chemical changes. 5.5C.1 - Analyze and communicate the results of chemical changes that result in the formation of new materials (e.g., decaying, burning, rusting, or cooking). Burning Paper – observations Rusting-rapid oxidation - Aluminum and Copper Chloride Cook an Egg
Design Rocket Launcher for Egg-O-Naut 5.6 –Students will demonstrate and understanding of factors that affect motion of an object through studying Newton’s Laws of Motion. Design Rocket Launcher for Egg-O-Naut Students will send Eggs toward space and prevent gravity from breaking their Humpty Dumpty’s. It’s a Blast!