Vocabulary and Definitions Unit 6, Wk 1 Vocabulary and Definitions
Alarmed Define: made fearful or afraid. Example: Jess was alarmed as he watched the barber cut his hair. Ask: Can you show how you would look if you were alarmed by something?
Anguish Define: serious suffering of mind and body. Example: Andy felt anguish when he realized his bike was missing. Ask: What is another word that means the same as anguish?
Necessary Define: required to be done. Example: Food is necessary for all living things. Ask: What other things are necessary for living things?
Obsessed Define: thinking of something constantly. Example: Paul is obsessed with space and wears his astronaut. Ask: Can you name something you are obsessed with?
Possess Define: to own or have. Example: Dan and Meg possess a huge bunch of colorful balloons. Ask: Can you tell about something you possess?
Reward Define: something given in return for something well done. Example: Dad took us on vacation as a reward for getting good grades in school. Ask: What reward would you like to get?
Treasure Define: something that has great value or importance. Example: Lila found a real treasure at the book sale. Ask: Can you tell about a treasure you have?
Wealth Define: a great amount of money or riches. Example: We are counting our money and will share our wealth by donating it. Ask: What is another word for wealth?