Grade 6 Science Cumulative Review
Topic: Trees & Forest Question What is the difference between abiotic and biotic? List examples of each. Answer Abiotic is non-living Sunlight Climate Rocks Water Wind Soil Biotic is living Plants Animals microorganisms
Topic: Trees & Forest Question What are the different types of plants and animals called that live in the forest? Answer Producers (plants) Consumers Decomposers
Topic: Trees & Forest Question Explain what a food chain is, and give an example. Answer A chain in which animals interact, typically starting with a producer. Grass Deer Cougar
Topic: Trees & Forest Question What is the nutrient cycle? Answer It shows how nutrients flow throughout an ecosystem. It starts with a producer and ends with the decomposers
Topic: Trees & Forest Question Common decomposers include: Describe each decomposer Answer Fungus Lack roots and leaves, cannot photosynthesize Rust, mildew, mushrooms, conks, mold Conks Attached to tree trunks Lichens Made up of two plants; a fungus and algae
Topic: Trees & Forest Question Describe the water cycle Answer Shows how water moves through the forest ecosystem
Topic: Trees & Forest Question Plants lose water through ________________. Answer Transpiration
Topic: Trees & Forest Question What is the process in which trees and plants produce oxygen and sugars? Answer Photosynthesis
Topic: Trees & Forest Question Explain the process of photosynthesis. Answer Trees take in carbon dioxide, water and energy from the sun and produce oxygen and sugar. It takes place in the leaves.
Topic: Trees & Forest Question What are the two different types of trees? Describe each type. Answer Deciduous Lose leaves every fall Often produce flowers and fruit Broad leaves Aspen and poplar are native to Alberta Coniferous Do not lose leaves Cone bearing Needle leaves Lodgepole Pine and Jackpine are native to Alberta
Topic: Trees & Forest Question How can you classify leaves? Answer Leaf shape Margins Leaf arrangement Leaf type
Topic: Trees & Forest Question How can you classify bark? Answer Color Texture Pattern
Topic: Trees & Forest Question How else can we classify trees? Answer By looking at their general shape or silhouette
Topic: Trees & Forest Question How can you tell the growth pattern of a tree? Answer Looking at tree cookies
Topic: Trees & Forest Question What can you tell about a tree that has rings that are close together? Answer There were a lack of nutrients Crowded conditions
Topic: Trees & Forest Question How can you tell if a tree had a adequate nutrients? Answer There is nice, even ring growth
Topic: Trees & Forest Question How have humans enhanced the forest? Answer Through protection of areas (National and Provincial Parks) and have set up laws that protect animals and plants in the forest
Topic: Trees & Forest Question How have humans threatened the forest? Answer By over logging, cutting down areas for new house construction Not taking care of the forest when using it for recreation
Topic: Trees & Forest Question List and describe the three different interest groups regarding the forest. Answer Tourists Would like to see the forest preserved for hiking, camping, and recreational activities (recreation focus) Forest Industry Would like to see more trees cut down to produce more products (economic focus) Environmentalist Would like to see the forest preserved because cutting down the forest would hurt wildlife and ecosystems (environmental focus)
Topic: Trees & Forest Question What are the advantages and disadvantages of clear cutting? Answer Advantages You get a lot more trees for use from an area Disadvantages You will ruin an area for a long time, animals and plants would lose their habitat
Topic: Trees & Forest Question What do you call the harvesting that involves cutting down only a certain number of trees in an area? Answer Selective harvesting
Topic: Sky Science Question What is our solar system made up of? Answer Satellites, planets, and asteroids
Topic: Sky Science Question Which Galaxy is our solar system a part of? Answer The Milky Way
Topic: Sky Science Question What are the three basic shapes to galaxies? Answer Spiral, elliptical, irregular
Topic: Sky Science Question What is the definition of a satellite? Answer Something that orbits another object in space
Topic: Sky Science Question The sun’s shadows are __________ during the summer and ___________ during the winter. Answer Longest, shortest
Topic: Sky Science Question If the sun is directly above you, about what time would it be? Answer Around noon
Topic: Sky Science Question On a sundial, which piece is the gnomon? Answer
Topic: Sky Science Question The closest star to the earth is the ________. Answer The sun
Topic: Sky Science Question What is a constellation? Answer A group of stars that form a pattern in the sky.
Topic: Sky Science Question __________ is the North Star; all other constellations in the Northern Hemisphere seem to rotate around it. Answer Polaris
Topic: Sky Science Question What is an equinox? When are the dates of an equinox? Answer When there are 12 hours of sunlight and 12 hours of night. March 21 (1st day of spring), September 21 (1st day of fall)
Topic: Sky Science Question If it’s summer in the northern hemisphere, what season would I be in southern hemisphere? Answer Winter
Topic: Sky Science Question Why do we have seasons? Answer Because of the tilt of the Earth on its axis and the revolution of the axis around the sun
Topic: Sky Science Question Does the moon reflect or emit light? Answer It reflects the light from the sun
Topic: Sky Science Question The moon rotates on its axis every ______ days. Answer 27 (ish)
Topic: Sky Science Question New moon essentially means what? Answer No moon; the moon is between the Earth and the Sun
Topic: Sky Science Question When the earth is between the sun and the moon, what phase is it? Answer Full moon
Topic: Sky Science
Topic: Sky Science Question Name the planets, in order. Answer Mercury Venus Earth Mars Jupiter Saturn Uranus
Topic: Sky Science Question What are the similarities and differences that other moons have in regards to our own moon? Answer Similarities Are called satellites Orbit around the planet Differences Different shapes (not all spherical) Made up of different materials Different weight and mass
Topic: Evidence & Investigation Question Describe observation and inference. Give an example for both. Answer Observations are information gather through our senses (see, smell, touch, taste, hear) Ex: the sidewalk is wet Inferences are a conclusion about something based on an observation Ex: the sidewalk is wet because it rained
Topic: Evidence & Investigation Question List some common types of evidence. Answer Fingerprints Materials and fibers Tire tracks Animal tracks Shoeprints of footprints Soil samples Hand writing samples Witness identification
Topic: Evidence & Investigation Question Why do we leave fingerprints? Answer Due to dust or other particles on the oil of your skin
Topic: Evidence & Investigation Question Label the following fingerprints: Whorl Loop Arch
Topic: Evidence & Investigation Question List some ridge characteristics found on fingerprints. Answer Forks (bifurcation) Island Lake Ridge ending Delta
Topic: Evidence & Investigation Question List some good surfaces for lifting fingerprints off. Answer Glass Mirrors Smooth plastic Smooth metal
Topic: Evidence & Investigation Question List some bad surfaces for lifting fingerprints off. Answer Bricks Materials/fabric Wood
Topic: Evidence & Investigation Question How can you classify shoe prints? Answer Size Pattern of print Wear of the pattern
Topic: Evidence & Investigation Question How can you tell if a person or animal is running? Walking? Answer Running Large space between prints Deeper prints Outline may not be as clear (dirt kicked up) Line of prints are straighter Walking Smaller spaces between prints Shallower prints Outline clearer Less of a straight line
Topic: Evidence & Investigation Question How can you classify tire tracks? Answer Type of tread Size of tread Wear of tread
Topic: Evidence & Investigation Question How can you classify fibers and fabric? Answer Color Pattern of weave Texture Strength Flammability
Topic: Evidence & Investigation Question How can you classify soil? Answer Color pH Smell Make up (composition) Size of particles
Topic: Evidence & Investigation Question How can you compare handwriting? Answer Loops in the letters The crosses on the ‘t’ The spaces between the letters and the words The slant of the letters The size of the letters The dotting of letters (i, j) A combination of writing and printing The pressure on the page
Topic: Evidence & Investigation Question What is chromatography? Answer The study of comparing ink samples
Topic: Evidence & Investigation Question What is the scientific name for the study of handwriting? Answer Graphology
Topic: Evidence & Investigation Question _____________ inks will not separate in water. Answer Permanent
Topic: Air, Aerodynamics & Flight Question What is the study of air and how it moves around objects? Answer Aerodynamics
Topic: Air, Aerodynamics & Flight Question Look at the diagram below: what principle is this? Describe it. Answer Bernoulli’s Principle
Topic: Air, Aerodynamics & Flight Question What is the difference between ‘accelerate’ and ‘decelerate’? Answer Accelerate is to speed up, decelerate is to slow down
Topic: Evidence & Investigation Question What is a glider? Answer A plane that does not have an engine; they rely o thermals (upwards air currents) to provide lift
Topic: Air, Aerodynamics & Flight Question Name and describe the four forces of flight? Answer Lift Upward force Gravity Downward force Drag Backwards force Thrust Forward force
Topic: Air, Aerodynamics & Flight Question Look at the diagram below: what is the name for this shape? Answer Airfoil
Topic: Air, Aerodynamics & Flight Question Label the following picture with the appropriate forces. Gravity Drag Thrust Lift
Topic: Evidence & Investigation Question Name the highlighted section of the picture on the right, and explain its’ function. Answer Fuselage; main part of the plane, where passengers, crew and cargo are
Topic: Evidence & Investigation Question Which part of the plane takes in air, compresses it, then forces the air out? Answer Engine/turbine
Topic: Evidence & Investigation Question What is the make up of air? Answer 78% nitrogen 21% oxygen 1% argon Other trace gases
Topic: Air, Aerodynamics & Flight Question How do we know that air exists? Answer It takes up space It has volume It has weight Air has mass It has pressure
Topic: Air, Aerodynamics & Flight Question How do hot air balloons work? Answer Because hot air rises They rely on air currents to create thrust A valve or slits in the envelope, causing it to descend
Topic: Air, Aerodynamics & Flight Question If lift is greater that gravity, what will happen to the plane? If drag is greater than thrust, what will happen to the plane? What happens when all four forces are equal? Answer The plane will go up The plane will slow down The plane maintains steady flight
Topic: Air, Aerodynamics & Flight Question Name the parts of the plane and functions
Topic: Air, Aerodynamics & Flight Question How do parachutes work? Answer By increasing drag; the design of a parachute will determine how fast it falls and lands and if you can maneuver in the air
Topic: Air, Aerodynamics & Flight Question A large parachute canopy will increase _________? Answer Drag
Topic: Air, Aerodynamics & Flight Question List the adaptations that birds have for flight. Answer Hollow bones, making them lightweight but strong Streamlined feathers Strong pectoral muscles Aerodynamic shape Airfoil shaped wings
Topic: Air, Aerodynamics & Flight Question A wide, narrow parachute canopy will allow for greater _________ in the air? Answer Control
Topic: Air, Aerodynamics & Flight Question List the adaptations that insects have for flight. Answer Lightweight and small 1-2 sets of wings Strong pectoral muscles Aerodynamic shape Airfoil shaped wings Wings are thin with a network of veins, making them very strong
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