Library Research: Econometrics Education vs. Training Training = prepare against surprise. Educate = prepare for surprise. (Finite and Infinite Games. James P. Carse, 1986) Information is a commodity Econ599: Applied Econometrics Carolyn Carpan, Rutherford-HSS library Anna Bomback, Data Library
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EconLit ECONLIT: 120 years of economics literature from around the world … a comprehensive index of journal articles, books, book reviews, collective volume articles, working papers and dissertations.
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Topic Searching tips education level “education level” Search String Notes (e.g. what search does) education level “education level” “education level” AND success “education level” OR success (“education level” OR “educational attainment”) AND success (“education level” OR “educational attainment”) AND success* (“education level” OR “educational attainment”) N5 success* Sylvain Weber , (2014) "Human capital depreciation and education level", International Journal of Manpower, Vol. 35 Iss: 5, pp.613 - 642
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Data Sources Variable Unit of Observation Metric Source Ardagna, S., Caselli, F., and Lane, T. (2007), “Fiscal Discipline and the Cost of Public Debt Service: Some Estimates for OECD Countries,” The B.E. Journal of Macroeconomics, 7 (1): pp. 1-33
Known search – from references Weber, Sylvain. "Human Capital Depreciation And Education Level.“ International Journal Of Manpower 35.5 (2014): 613-642. Variable Unit of Observation Metric Source
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