The Kite Runner Sin By Garry Reid
Sin A sin is an act that violates a known moral rule in a religion. The term sin may also refer to the state of having committed such a violation. Sin can refer not only to physical actions taken, but also to thoughts and internalized motivations and feelings. Colloquially, any thought, word, or act considered immoral, selfish, shameful, harmful, or alienating might be termed "sinful".
Amir’s sins He does not protect his friend, whom he later finds out is his half-brother. Jealousy – He is jealous of the attention Baba gives Hassan. He frames Hassan for stealing so that he could feel better. He tries to get Hassan to retaliate to him so to rid him of his guilt and feel better. He also steals Hassan’s right to a childhood by not defending him in the alley.
Amir’s sins continued He bullies Hassan by mocking him for not knowing big words as Hassan is illiterate. He denies that Hassan is his friend. He gets Hassan to do things that he does not want to do i.e. hitting the dog with the slingshot.
Baba’s sins He sleeps with Ali’s wife, Sanaubar, who gives birth to his other son, Hassan. He does not confess to Hassan being his son. He is stealing the right for Hassan to know his real father. And stealing the right of Amir to have a brother. He ignores Amir as he feels guilty about Hassan.
Impact On Hassan From Amir not helping him he is robbed of his Childhood innocence. After Amir frames him he and Ali must leave. He loses his mother and doesn’t find out who is real father is. He feels he as failed Amir.
Baba’s view of sin All crimes are variations of theft: If someone tells a lie, they steal a person right to the truth. If someone is murdered, they steal the right to a life. If someone cheats, they steal the right to fairness. However Baba steals Hassan’s right to a father.
Guilt Amir feels guilty for not helping Hassan and is unable to sleep. Amir wants to get rid of Hassan as seeing him reminds him of the guilt he feels. He also feels somewhat responsible for Hassan’s death. He finally realises he can no longer run from his guilt and so decides to face up to what he has done.
Redemption Throughout the book Amir tries to run from his sin’s but redeems himself in the end. Amir rescues Hassan’s son, Sohrab. Amir feels he deserves the beating Assef gives him. Amir provides the family who took care of him, with money. Amir accepts Hassan and tells others that Hassan was his friend. Baba builds an orphanage to try and make up for what he has done and make himself feel better. Baba provides Hassan with presents and cares for him.