Hinduism: How does each of the following statements reflect Hindu beliefs? “God is one, but wise people know it by many names.” “As a man, casting off old clothes, puts on others and new ones, so the embodied self, casting off old bodies, goes to others and new ones.” --Bhagavad Gita
Elements of Hinduism
Order Caste System – organizes people into different levels based on their occupation and spiritual closeness to moksha Brahmins (priests) Kshatriyas (warriors) Vaishyas (merchants) Sudras (peasants) Untouchables are considered OUTSIDE the caste system Gurus (Hindu teachers)
Practice Follow your dharma Meditation Go to a Hindu Temple Holi (Spring Festival) / Divali (New Year) Ceremony of the Sacred Thread / Arranged Marriage Keep a vegetarian diet Read the Rig Veda and Upanishads
Belief Both poly and monotheistic Hindu Trinity – Brahma, Vishnu, Shiva Dharma (responsibility) / karma (result of good and bad deeds) Samsara (reincarnation) Moksha (enlightenment) Atman (individual soul) Brahman (universal soul)
Values Follow your dharma and earn good karma Ahimsa (non-violence)
Icons, Texts, Symbols Aum (Om) Lotus Flower, Swastika Bhagavad Gita, Vedas, Upanishads Hindu Deities
“Shiva as Lord of the Dance” One of the many portable images of the gods used in Hindu worship, this solid bronze statuette of Shiva as Lord of the Dance depicts the god balancing on one leg atop a dwarf representing ignorance, which he stamps out as he dances. In his upper hands, Shiva holds a drum that creates the Universe and a flame that creates destruction. His lower right hand has the “palms up” indicating that worshippers should worship without fear.
“Angkor Wat” The Angor Comples was originally built by Hindu Kings who wanted to associate their reign with one of the Hindu gods. Each King built a temple to a different god. Angkor Watt was built in honor of the god Vishnu. The five central towers represent the five peaks of Mount Meru, the sacred mountain and center of the Universe.
“Vishnu asleep on Ananta” In this relief sculpture, the god Vishnu sleeps on the serpent Ananta as he dreams the universe into reality.