Label each blank with the correct step in the scientific method. Explain what a hypothesis is Explain what the independent variable is Explain what the dependent variable is Explain what a constant is Explain what a conclusion must do
Fill in the boxes with the correct information. Explain what limitations each telescope has. Which telescopes do most observatories use? Explain why Define the following terms: Lens, refract, reflect, observatory, radio telescopes, Explain why the Hubble telescope has been so important to astronomy
Label the following diagram with the correct titles. Which waves have the highest frequency? The lowest frequencey ? Circle the part of the spectrum with visible light. Define the following : crest, trough, wavelength, amplitude, hertz.
Label the diagram Explain what phase the moon is in during a lunar eclipse. A solar eclipse. Are eclipses predictable? Explain What is the Ecliptic plane? How does the ecliptic plane impact eclipses? Define the following words: umbra, penumbra, ecliptic plane, rotation, revolution. Explain what a transit is and how many planets can we see transiting the sun.
Label the diagram with the names of each planet. Create a mnemonic which will help you remember the order of the planets. On the back fill out the chart with the correct information.
Label with the correct seasons and Draw the following lines around each globe: tropic of Cancer, tropic of Capricorn. Equator. Draw an arrow at each season to show where the Sun’s rays are most direct. Give the name and date for the start of each season. Explain why the sun seems closer during one of the seasons and much further away from the opposite season. What is the tilt of the Earth at? Does this ever change? Explain what Earth’s wobble does. Explain any changes this wobble may cause and give 1 example of this change on Earth.
Label with the correct phases. What 2 phases do eclipses occur at Label with the correct phases. What 2 phases do eclipses occur at? Explain why we always see 1 side of the moon. What is this called? What side (right or left) of the moon is blocked out during the waxing phases, the waning phases? What is the moons rotational period? It’s revolution period?
Label with the following terms: Comet, Meteor, Meteoroid Meteorite Fireball Asteroid Bolide Meteor shower Compare and contrast the following : Comet , asteroid, meteor, meteorite Meteoroid
Label each title correctly Contrast the 2 different types of tides. Explain what the term tidal range means? How is it calculated Which body has a greater effect on tides the moon or sun? Explain why. Explain the relationship between the Earth’s rotation, friction and the Moon’s orbit around the Earth. Identify the place on Earth that has the greatest tidal range Name the 3 things that may effect the tides.
Label the planets in the correct order Describe the inner planets in terms of composition, surface, atmosphere and moons Describe the orbital velocities of each planet in decreasing order. Label the planets in the correct order Describe the outer planets in terms of composition, surface, atmosphere and moons Describe the orbital velocities of each planet in decreasing order. Explain how a planet becomes classified as a dwarf planet Describe Pluto’s orbit when compared with the outer gas giants
Label the blanks with the appropriate terms Where does fusion take place? What is the white fuzzy area surrounding the Sun called? How hot does it get? What are sunspots? What is a a CME? What does it stand for? Are they dangerous? Why? What would happen to Earth if the Sun became hotter? Cooler?
Label the galaxy. Which galaxy type is the milky way Label the galaxy. Which galaxy type is the milky way? Define the following terms red shift, blue shift, elliptical, cluster, Local group, big bang, singularity. What did Edwin Hubble say about the universe based on red shift and blue shift. What happens when stars redshift?
Place a title and the appropriate labels for each blank Explain what process has to happen in order for a star to be born. Which path will our sun take. Describe how the solar system formed utilizing the solar nebula theory Where do the raw materials come from that make up nebulas Define the following words: black hole, white dwarf, black dwarf, Neutron star, Supernova, Planetary nebula, Red giant, Red supergiant, Nebula, Main sequence, Fusion
Label all the blanks with appropriate terms What determines a stars life span? Circle where our Sun is on this diagram What is the process that fuels all stars? Where will our sun end up on this diagram? What stars live the longest? What is the relationship between size, luminosity(brightness) and how long a star lives? What is the most abundant element in the universe 90 % of all stars are found on what section of this diagram.
Map 2 Put the proper contour interval on each line Place an x at the highest point on the map Describe what a contour line is Circle where you would find a hill on this map Calculate the following: Contour interval and relief. Why can’t contour lines ever cross? Find the hill and draw an example of Hachure lines inside the hill and what do Hachure lines describe? When we have lines close together what does this mean? Far apart? Draw a line through the stream in the second map. Describe where the steepest slope is on map 2 Map 2
Label all the blanks with the correct latitude or longitude include N or S E or W What hemisphere is split by the equator? By the Prime meridian? Circle the international date line How many minutes are in each degree of latitude and longitude? How many time zones are there in the world? Which time zone do you live in?
Label with the correct projection What is the difference between Robinson and Mercator projections? What industry uses Mercator projections? When would a conical projection be used?